macro split meal plan

Behind the scenes: custom meal planning for my clients

Hey guys,

By the way, are we friends on social yet? I share so much more content, tips, tricks, food concoctions (that's what I call them when I haven't measured anything), and lots more about my personal life and journey over on facebook and instagram. Check out my post from last Thursday (same picture as above) where I shared 10 ways to use your freezer to save you tons of time and money!

Be sure to check out my "stories" each day too. In case you don't know, on both facebook and instagram, stories live inside of my little circular picture and can be seen when you click on said picture. They contain special content that can't be seen on my feed and disappear after 24 hours. You'll know I've posted new content there that you haven't seen yet if there's a glowing halo around my picture.

We really dove deep into meal planning last week! If you are curious about how I create custom meal plans and custom recipe bundles for my clients, check out this video where I take you behind the scenes and even show a sample meal plan!

If you would like me to create a customized meal plan or customized recipe bundle for you, shoot me a quick email and let’s chat! You can find me at

Health + gratitude,
