weight loss results

Calorie deficits... a misnomer?

Are calorie deficits a real thing?

Well, sort of. But also not really.


Questions? Simply shoot an email to tara@taraallenhealth.com to get right into my personal inbox!



Does your reason matter when it comes to weight loss?

I had this client once, I'll call her "Mary". Mary was really excited to be starting fresh on her health journey after years of feeling out of control with food. She tried all the diets and they all ended the same way for her - with a week-long binge after all that restriction. Mary found my instagram page after seeing a comment of mine on a mutual friend's post. Funny how things work out, isn't it?

But anyway.... Mary told me more about her story on her initial phone consultation. She mentioned that she had a certain, specific weight loss goal in mind. In fact, she told me that she weighed herself every morning despite the fact that it usually ruined her day. When I dug in there a bit, we discovered that by focusing on the scale weight, even normal day-to-day fluctuations would derail her progress. If the scale hadn't moved (or went up), she often moped around for the rest of the day. She made very different food choices because of her frustration and lack of self-confidence for the rest of the day.

Thankfully Mary became a client and agreed to slowly shift her focus away from the scale and onto her bigger goals: feeling athletic again and having more energy to get her through the day. Why was that the thing that changed Mary's trajectory? Well, they had nothing to do with the scale. The scale could be up, down, the same, or in the garbage and as long as she was focused on "feeling like an athlete again" (her words) and taking actions that brought her better energy, then she had something to keep her going.

Is this something that might help you? CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO for more!

I'm here if you need me.


EIGHTEEN pounds in 10 days!

Remember that Healthy New You Reset?

She lost 18 pounds in 10 days!

I'm sharing a screenshot of one client's results because, well, I'm proud of her, she said I could, and… I'm proud of her!  ;-)



The results across the board were incredibly impressive.  Women who decided to take their own health & happiness into their hands to start out 2018 with lots of inspired momentum did just that!  There were many pounds lost, sugar cravings kicked, energy levels boosted, glowing skin complements, headaches lessened, and digestive issues fixed. 

Here's what you've been asking me…when can I do this reset?!

Not to worry… I will be running this again soon.  Stay tuned.  If you're super-duper interested, shoot me an email and let me know.  I have a running list of people to make sure I check-in with before I run the reset again.



In good health,
