long island health speaker

Controlling ONLY the controllable

Here's the biggest mistake I see people make on their health journey...

They focus on trying to control that which they can't, and hardly spend time controlling that which they CAN!

For example, no one can control what the scale will say and when. No one can control how your body will look at various stages of the process. And you certainly cannot control every bit of your moods, emotions, or motivation.

But that's totallyyyyyyy fine. Ya know why? Because those aren't the things that move the needle anyway. Stay in your lane, control ONLY what is controllable, and you'll get the results you are after.

CHECK OUT THE VIDEO below for more.

Hope you're having a great start to your week!


The scale is making you GAIN weight!

Is the scale making you GAIN weight and excess body fat?

You might be surprised to find out that this is, in fact, what's happening for many people - certainly most of the women I work with and speak to.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video to learn how and why and what you can do instead.

And then, get rid of that dang scale if it is affecting you in this way too!

In good health,


P.S. If you are on a weight loss / fat loss / wellness journey, we should hang out more! Did you know that I share online workshops, recipes, and more tips to help you transform your body + life FOR FREE? Every week?! Join my email list to get in on this and receive a welcome gift immediately! ;-)