health blog

Fat Loss MUST be slow. Here's why.

Fat loss HAS to happen slowly. Here's why...

I know we want it to happen quickly. I know we hear things like, "I lost 5 pounds the first week of doing keto." and assume those 5 pounds came from rapid FAT loss (it doesn't). But there's actually a limit to the amount of body fat we can lose per day per person (it varies from person to person).

Restrict your energy intake more than that point and you'll be eating away at your muscles instead.... which will lower your metabolic rate. YUCK!

Here are 3 reasons fat loss MUST happen slowly.

As always, if you have any questions you can hit 'reply' to this email. I'm happy to help!


P.S. Check out these awesome client success stories squished inside of 27 seconds. ;-)

Fat loss: 6 things you don't need to try...

Fat loss: 6 things you DO NOT need to try...

...and the 3 things you DO!

Check out my latest video all about this topic. I kept it short this time... 3 or 4 minutes. ;-) Let me know what you think about this format by commenting on this post. I appreciate any and all feedback!

Lots of love,

The world is reeling...

The world is reeling...

Twenty twenty has been off to an interesting start, to say the least. And as we're pushed beyond the sharp edges of our comfort levels in what seems like ALL areas, we must choose to learn and grow from it all. Without that very deliberate and often tricky decision, we will merely wallow in self-pity and sorrow for others. Rather than wallow, let's let it in, feel it, and move through it.

Let's move to awareness.

In all areas. In all we've been experiencing. 

And if you know anything about me, you know I'm the biggest believer that everything starts with us. If we are taking care of our physical and mental health, we are able to focus on our needs and the needs of our family, friends, and community.

If we are energetic and vibrant and confident, our voices get a little louder. Our hobbies creep back in. Our family sees more smiles out of us. We stand up for what we believe in. If we are healthy and glowing, we can be better leaders, more productive, calm and kind. We can volunteer. We can take an extra few minutes to give the better answer to our kids' complicated questions. With greater health comes greater capacity - we can love all over others. 

Today, I want to remind you of this one thing: taking care of your physical and mental health so you can be that elevated version of yourself is something you get to have power over right now. 

So while some will say this is not the time to focus on you, I offer the opposite perspective. This is not the time to take the focus OFF of you as you are needed now more than ever, regardless of how that is showing up in your life. This year has rocked our worlds - every single one of us. I know you're needed. Whatever your role, do it with magic. And how can you be magic when you don't feel magical?

  • Upgrade your habits one by one.

  • Sleep, seriously. Please sleep.

  • Eat well, balanced, and not more than your body needs. Most of our chronic disease comes from excess.

  • Move your beautiful body.

  • And learn some tricks for dealing with stress. You might be 'Type A' like me or easily wound-up, but you can teach yourself to become much less reactive through mindfulness and breathing protocols. It's a change worth making. I promise. 

If you need help with the specifics of any of this, let me know. I'm here to help YOU.

Peace + love,

P.S. Come say "hi" on Instagram. I was muted & listening for a week to stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter as I shared resources and many beautiful voices and perspectives of people of color. And now I'm back doing what I do best - focusing on healthy bodies and minds for everyone. I share my workouts, tips, recipes, and answer every single (appropriate) DM. I'd love to connect with you over there. 


Fat Loss During Quarantine?

Fat Loss During a Quarantine?

Ok, so we're stuck at home for some time...and some time seems to be expanding. Some of us will cave to our fears and frustrations, others of us will feel them anyway (because we're human), but will start to look at how we can make the best of what we have. Build resilience. Get stronger in body + mind....

...and use it as an opportunity to lose some body fat?!

Wait. Stop please. I'd love to share with you my opinion about fat loss during this time. There are a few extra things to consider when talking about fat loss during an extra stressful time. Check out this video I did last week all about it.

Oh, and I created a (free) recipe book: 20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes for you guys. It's full of meals + snacks that require mostly non-perishable ingredients. Grab your copy (instant download) now!


Phew....It was a busy week on social media! (instagram):

Resistance Band Workout

Sock Workout

Blueberry Chia Jam Recipe

Banded Glute Workout

I don't like feeling helpless

Amazon Box Workout

Laundry Detergent Workout

A Poem from My Kids' Eyes

Couch Cushion Workout

Quarantine Nutrition 

Body Weight Workout

Newsday: How we are making the best of our quarantine

Easy Apple Dippers

Hey guys,

Ready for a fun & tasty new snack or dessert idea?

These are great for parties and perfect if you need something that doubles as an activity AND food source for your kiddos. :-)

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Easy Apple Dippers

(serves 2) 


💚1 apple 

💚Dips (such as peanut butter, almond butter, melted dark chocolate, coconut yogurt, mejool date "caramel" 

💚Toppings (such as crushed nuts, seeds, dark chocolate chips, coconut) 


1. Using a melon baller, scoop out "balls" of the apple until you reach the core. 

2. Pierce each apple "ball" with a popsicle stick. 

3. Coat each apple ball with dip of choice and then into topping(s) of choice and place on wax paper. 

4. Place in freezer for at least 30 minutes. 

5. Enjoy!! 

In good health,

P.S. If you are always looking for new and fun (+ healthy) recipes for yourself and your family, grab my FREE 3-Day Meal Plan for Losing Body Fat. This thing is not only an awesome tool to spark momentum and results, but its’s chock full of delicious new meals and snacks to try! Grab your copy right here, right now. Hope you enjoy!

The scale is making you GAIN weight!

Is the scale making you GAIN weight and excess body fat?

You might be surprised to find out that this is, in fact, what's happening for many people - certainly most of the women I work with and speak to.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video to learn how and why and what you can do instead.

And then, get rid of that dang scale if it is affecting you in this way too!

In good health,


P.S. If you are on a weight loss / fat loss / wellness journey, we should hang out more! Did you know that I share online workshops, recipes, and more tips to help you transform your body + life FOR FREE? Every week?! Join my email list to get in on this and receive a welcome gift immediately! ;-)