Think You’re Getting Enough Protein? These Foods Might Be Tricking You.
If I asked you right now, "Are you eating enough protein?", you’d probably say yes (or at least think you're close).
But here’s the thing… a lot of foods we think are high in protein actually aren’t.
Peanut butter? Mostly fat
Beans? Mostly carbs
Most yogurts? More carbs than protein
Cheese? Fat first, protein second
Eggs? About equal amounts protein and fat
Chickpea pasta? Mostly a carb
And if you’re building meals around these thinking they’re protein-packed, you’re likely falling short on the protein needs of what your body actually needs without even realizing it. And, while we thrive with a balance that includes fat and carbs of course, you might bee accidentally overdoing those. Example: you want to make yourself a big salad as a lunch. You have lots of greens and colorful veggies as your base. You use olive oil or avocado or dressing as your fat. You include some fruit for a carb source (like a delicious Summer salad with strawberries) and then you think, "I need to add protein" ... so you add some beans or chickpeas or nuts or seeds. But the first 2 are more carbs than protein. And the 2nd 2 are more fat than protein. So your salad ends up being too light in protein and possibly over in your carbs or fat needs for that meal. Is it a big deal? No! But could it increase hunger, throw off blood sugar and make it harder to reach fat loss goals over time? Yes!
"Tara, why does it even matter?"
Protein is essential for:
Building muscle and supporting metabolism
Keeping energy levels stable (bye, afternoon crashes)
Managing hunger and cravings so you’re not snacking all day
Optimizing fat loss, recovery, and overall body composition
And when you’re not getting enough, you might feel:
Hungrier, even after meals
Low-energy or sluggish
Like you’re losing muscle instead of fat
The good news? You don’t have to guess your way through it.
Between work, homeschooling and life, I'm secretly juggling THREE massive projects behind your back ... so naturally, last week I chose to procrastinate a little and spent some time randomly putting together a free, simple guide for you. :-) It contains high-protein meals that are actually balanced and satisfying.
What’s inside?
Meal ideas with 30+ grams of protein
The best protein sources (that won’t trick you)
Quick, real-life ways to hit your protein target without overcomplicating it
Try a few swaps this week and see how you feel -- your energy and progress might just take off.
P.S. I posted this reel about this on IG last week, if you're more of a visual learner.