long island holistic health

The Big 10

"My metabolism hurts!"

What if we said that? It would certainly help us get to the root of the issue, wouldn't it? This kind of reminds me of this religious saying that I'm going to butcher here because I'm paraphrasing but let's try ...

A man gets caught in torrential rains. His house is flooding and things are looking grim. He prays to God to help him. A man in a rowboat comes by and yells for him to get in. "No thanks", he says, "God will help me." The rowboat continues on. A motorized boat comes by next. "Jump in. I can get you out of here right away." "No thanks. God will save me." The motorboat passes. Next, a helicopter flies by with a rope dangling, asking the man to hold on tight. "No thanks. I've prayed to God and I'm waiting." The man dies and goes to Heaven. He says, "God, I believed in you and you let me die. What happened?" God says, "I sent you a rowboat, a motorboat and even a helicopter. What more did you expect?!"

I share that story because it reminds me a bit about how many people feel about their bodies, as well. Typically, before we are diagnosed with chronic disease, there were signs and / or symptoms. And when we understand a bit about how our body works, we can recognize those signs and symptoms as being helpful messengers sent to save us and often turn things around.

We say our knee hurts when we've injured it.
We said our head hurts when we have a migraine.
But we never say our metabolism hurts. Yet, we can assume our metabolism IS hurting if we have any of the following....

Excess body fat
Elevated fasting blood sugar
Elevated HgBA1C
High blood pressure
Elevated insulin
Elevated triglycerides
Large waist circumference
Elevated triglycerides-to-HDL ratio
Elevated CRP or uric acid
Get "hangry"
Hunger and fullness signals out of whack (for some it's low hunger and for others it's excessive or insidious hunger)
Mood disorders and certain other brain metabolic issues (most behavioral / "psych" disorders have a link here)
Brain fog
Reduced muscle mass
Energy crashes

The most recent research tells us only 6.8% of American adults are considered metabolically healthy. And unfortunately, that's using pretty lenient ranges of what they consider normal. In other words, some of those 6.8% still have lab values that are concerning and will likely to lead to eventual disease if unchanged. If we looked at more optimal ranges, ranges that aren't concerning, I suspect that number to be closer to 1-2% of American adults.

I never pour this much time and attention into things out of our control. That feels like a terrible waste of time. The reason I share about these topics so often is because it is largely in our control. Despite genetics and certain things we can't necessarily control like certain environmental toxins, the VAST majority of our metabolic health is on our own shoulders. It's our responsibility. It can worsen at any time. And it can improve -- usually by A LOT -- at any time. The choice is ours. But first we have to recognize if it's even a problem.

If you're in the 6.8% of American adults considered metabolically healthy (or an estimated 1-2% in the optimal ranges as I discussed more about the criteria here), amazing! My guess is you put considerable time and effort into your health. Optimal health doesn't just happen. Keep going!

But if you're part of the 93.2% (or more like 98 - 99% not yet in "optimal" ranges), you can take steps towards reversing metabolic damage right now, today!

It's everything we talk about each week in my newsletter and what I share about everyday on my feed and in stories on instagram. I will continue bringing you tools, resources, tips, tricks, recipes, workouts, mindset strategies and everything in between. And before this blog gets too long, let me share this list:

Stress / fear / joy / radical acceptance
Purpose + connection

These are what I call, "The Big 10". The 10 buckets we can each dig through and uplevel, little-by-little. When we get these buckets mostly right most of the time (perfection isn't a thing, nor is it necessary), we get our metabolic health in order. When we have a lot off with these buckets over time, we usually notice one or many of the symptoms and signs of metabolic disease.

What if you need help? You don't know where to start? Or you feel like you're trying things and doing things and not getting the results you want? This is common! The information that's 'out there' and being shared by most healthcare practitioners, blogs and social media accounts is terribly outdated and problematic. If you can, I hope you'll join us for this May round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. It's my 28-day metabolism course. We're getting to the root of metabolic dysfunction to improve health and achieve fat loss goals by tackling all of the buckets above in great detail and with a doable plan and all the help + guidance you need. Tomorrow is the last day to join. You get access Thursday. We start Monday. I'd love to help you. <3

If you can't join us for this round, stay with me here. My goal is to help as many people as I can regardless of whether we ever get to officially work together or not. I will keep the help coming via free avenues as well. Your metabolic health will shape the quality of your life. It's that important! 


P.S. Below -- people hardly ever notice "just" fat loss. There are typically improvements in energy, lab work, diseases, health markers and / or symptoms too. All of those signs and symptoms tell us something is off within the way the cell is powered up. This is metabolic dysfunction. When we get to the root of the metabolic dysfunction, all kinds of seemingly 'random' things start to improve. No promises ever because everyone is different, but if you decide to join us, I can't wait to hear what you notice in your own body!

Meet you ... a year from now

I know you love recipes and fat loss / muscle-building tips.

And I'll be back with more of that stuff soon. But more than ever in the past week I've been hearing people tell me they feel like they need to get their mind right. I don't know about mercury or retrograde or if that can even be to blame here. Maybe it's the fact that we've had quite the few years lately ... like, as a collective. I dunno. But it's clear: many of you are feeling off. Frustrated. Disappointed with where you're at. Worried that it'll never change ...

So I want to take you through another exercise today. A visualization. Ya ready?

I want you to start out by writing down -- preferably on real, actual paper -- who you'd like to be one year from now. On August 2, 2023 ...

What time do you wake up?
How do you feel in your body when you open your eyes?
What kinds of things make you excited to get up?
What are you wearing?
What do you eat for breakfast?
What's in your glass / mug?
How do you feel about your choices? Clear + confident? At peace?
What are the priorities in your day?
Is it a rest day? A strength day? Cardio? Maybe just a nice, long walk?
What is your energy and mood like in the morning? After lunch? At dinnertime?
Do you do anything for self care? (I define this as something that relaxes you or brings you joy in the moment AND afterwards)
If so, what is it?
Have you picked up any new hobbies or resumed some old ones you were missing?
What are your weekends like?
How do you feel about your body?
Have you aged a year or does it feel like you've turned back your biological time instead?
What's your evening routine like?
Do you still have a power struggle with food / alcohol?
What time do you go to bed?
What does your family think about the new you?
How do your changes influence the way they might treat themselves in the future?

You get the idea. ;-) Answer all of those, some of them, or feel free to add your own. Answer it as if ANYTHING were possible. Be so BOLD in your responses that you might be incredibly embarrassed if anyone else were to stumble upon this.

And then -- this is the fun part -- I want you to record it. Video or audio ... that's your call. But read it as if you're sharing a day in the life of YOU in a year. 

It's August 2, 2023. I just got up at _______. I'm feeling _______. I cannot wait to ______. Etc. etc.

Are you game?? If you are a skeptic, I get it. But this isn't as woo woo as you might think. Visualizations that appeal to all the senses are powerful ways for us to 1) reveal to ourselves things we may not have realized we wanted, 2) allow for 'practice runs' in our brain so as we make changes that bring us closer to this reality, it doesn't feel so foreign and misaligned with our identity, and 3) interrupts the way our brain usually tells us we want a change by going from thinking about what we don't want to thinking about what we do.

Make it a whole thing if you can. Light a (clean) candle. Make some tea. Put on music. Or sit outside on the stoop while the morning sunlight pokes you in the eye. ;-) Or don't. If things are too crazy and you just have to squeeze it in, go for it. 

Hope you enjoy this one!


P.S. I just added some of the wins of those who went through the pre-launch group of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind to the info. page. Check it out if you enjoy reading about others' success stories too! As a reminder, the next group starts in September. If you're interested in joining us for that round, make sure you reserve a spot by joining the waitlist. Waitlist peeps will be getting a discount code when the cart opens, too. Woo hoo!!!

Your metabolism isn't broken!

Your metabolism isn't broken...or too slow.

You see, your metabolism is ALWAYS exactly what it needs to be. It's a survival thing. So if you don't require much fuel before you'd start to store it as excess fat, there's a reason for that.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO if you've ever believed that your metabolism was broken... or even a little disheveled.

Questions? Comments? Need some help or guidance? I'm a simple email reply away. ;-)

Happy day,


Goodbye, curves!?

Bye bye, curves!? 

At least that's what she was afraid of when she asked me whether or not she's lose her shape as her fat loss journey continued.

Is there some truth to that? Yup! But there is also a bit that's in your control. CHECK OUT THIS QUICK (6 min.) VIDEO for all the curves + fat loss details.

Is this something you're concerned about as well? Let's chat about it so you feel more confident about your strategy. Shoot me an email - tara@taraallenhealth.com - to get right into my inbox. :-)

Happy day,

Fat Loss During Quarantine?

Fat Loss During a Quarantine?

Ok, so we're stuck at home for some time...and some time seems to be expanding. Some of us will cave to our fears and frustrations, others of us will feel them anyway (because we're human), but will start to look at how we can make the best of what we have. Build resilience. Get stronger in body + mind....

...and use it as an opportunity to lose some body fat?!

Wait. Stop please. I'd love to share with you my opinion about fat loss during this time. There are a few extra things to consider when talking about fat loss during an extra stressful time. Check out this video I did last week all about it.

Oh, and I created a (free) recipe book: 20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes for you guys. It's full of meals + snacks that require mostly non-perishable ingredients. Grab your copy (instant download) now!


Phew....It was a busy week on social media! (instagram):

Resistance Band Workout

Sock Workout

Blueberry Chia Jam Recipe

Banded Glute Workout

I don't like feeling helpless

Amazon Box Workout

Laundry Detergent Workout

A Poem from My Kids' Eyes

Couch Cushion Workout

Quarantine Nutrition 

Body Weight Workout

Newsday: How we are making the best of our quarantine

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

You know that already, right?

In fact, there is probably a lot that you already know you could be doing to move closer to your goals. 

And you might even be frustrated by the very fact that you know things and still seem to have trouble implementing them on a consistent basis.

First of all, I want to let you know this is VERY common. Just knowing things does not build up the skills required to carry out these interventions. In fact, it's an entirely different part of the brain used for learning vs. implementing and staying consistent.

And here's the cycle I see repeat over and over with many people: Big goal, big motivation (at first), trying to change too many things at once with no reasonable long-term plan, sees no results or has too much difficulty staying consistent, gives up and feels down. Rinse and repeat - every Monday, every new season, every New Year...?

Does this resonate with you? It will for many people!

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video in which I discuss how the mismatch between your goals and your actions are blocking you from your results. The more you understand about the behind-the-scenes stuff happening in our brain and with our mindset, the more you will be able to take the wheel and make the lifestyle upgrades you have been trying to make.


P.S. January 1-on-1 coaching spots are filled, but I will have a few spots opening in February. If you are interested and ready to commit to a complete health, nutrition, and fitness transformation, leave a comment or email me: Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com and I will send you my calendar so you can schedule yourself for a free call to chat. Never any sales pressure (I don't play like that), but we need to both be sure that it's the right fit before moving forward. ;-)

P.P.S. We all have goals! I've been working on tilted inversions, wrist mobility, handstands, etc. And guess what? I kinda suck! Sucking at something is awesome....so much room to improve. I'd love to hear what you suck at and see if it's something I can help with. 


When you screw up on your resolutions (and why it's not exactly when you think)

Hey guys,

The first week of 2020 is coming to a close already!

And for some of you, you've already given up on some of those life-changing resolutions you were so romantic about last week, am I right? Usually that happens when we've set too many goals at the same time or set one goal that was just a bit too unrealistic. 

But maybe you're not a resolution setter. Maybe you're like me - trying to use everyday to progress and challenge yourself to get better. Or maybe you are still going really strong on those goals!

Either way, you will find yourself saying at some point, "I screwed up." And here's what's important to know: You did NOT screw up at that point. But you're about to. Let me explain...

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I share why you did not screw up when you think...and how it's actually foreshadowing that you're likely on the path to actually screwing up. Of course I'm going to tell you how to turn around and NOT screw up, after all. 

I explain a bit about some of the content you can expect more of from me in 2020 in the beginning of the video. Make sure you're following me over on Facebook and Instagram to get all content. I post a lot inside my stories as well, so check those out if you need more healthy information + inspiration (with an occasional dose of cute kiddos). ;-)

I'm always happy to hear from YOU as well... anything in particular that you'd like me to cover this year? Hit 'reply' to this email and let me know. I've got a running list and plan to hit it all, if possible!

Happy New Year!!


Does your timeline need to go?

Does your timeline need to go??

The holidays are upon us and everyone and their mothers are talking about having a snack before you leave the house so you won't overindulge at the holiday party.

It's not that that advice is bad, but just that its probably something you hear a million times - especially this time of year, am I right?!?

I want to share a less popular opinion about how you can stick to your goals during the busy holiday season. And it has nothing to do with snacks...and everything to do with your unrealistic timeline.

By the way, did you know that the version of you that you can SEE and FEEL today is the result of the habits you had 2, 3, 6, 9 months ago?! It's true. There is a huge lag time in your habits and the outcomes showing up.

I'm talking about both of these topics and how they are related in my latest Workshop Wednesday video (below).

For those of you here in the United States (where I live), Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy it. No guilt about food. No playing small or letting others make you feel crappy at the dinner table. You do you. Are you a kind person? Awesome. Beyond that, your life and decisions are none of their business. ;-) (Just a reminder for those that have trouble on this holiday. It's pretty common).


P.S. Are you in need of a last-minute / healthified / gluten-free / dairy-free / DELICIOUS dessert to make for the holiday? I've gotcha covered! My new cookbook, Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts, is available and full of all kinds of recipes (42 of them!). There are lots of baked goods, but also plenty that involve the slow cooker, stovetop, or are NO BAKE. It's instantly downloadable and printable, so no waiting for the Amazon delivery person. ;-) GRAB YOUR COPY HERE.