mindset for weight loss

4 years to your dream body?!

Did you go to college or do you know someone who has?

You know that thing you - or they - did where they committed to 4 years or more knowing there would be no tangible results until graduation? 

There was no gradual payout system where you'd start making a little bit of your desired salary while still in school.

There was no money given back if you didn't succeed by your own hard work and consistency.

You were expected to show up and keep showing up.

Now let's think about your health and body goals...

Do you want to start seeing or feeling results shortly into a new program, diet, fitness routine? You'll only continue on if you are getting results on the timeline you want, right? So if you have to work hard for a month or two and are not getting immediate and rapid results....you, what... throw in the towel?

Image you did that in college? By month 1 or 2 you didn't have your degree yet, so you quit.

Our health and bodies are worth AT LEAST the amount of time, attention, money (all the things!) that you spent on college. Our health and bodies are worth showing up day after day even if the results aren't coming as fast as you want them to. Do you agree?

Come join me in my car as I discuss this a bit more. ;-)


P.S. You know what you get with me...and it's never a hard sell. I don't want to do that to you, but mostly, I don't want any clients who aren't motivated enough to seek me out. I don't want to convince anyone that they're ready for a change. If it takes convincing, it's not a good fit for my coaching style and program. Rather, someone who is ready to put in the work (EAGER even, albeit nervous) will soar in my program. Someone who has been thinking about working with me already, but keeps putting it off. Someone who is attracted to the slow and steady, work your butt off and feel like an absolute badass and role model at the same time vibe ... those are the ones that start coaching with me and optimize their entire lives, not just their health and bodies.

All that to say that I'm here. Even though I don't send you 42 sales emails a week. Even though I'm not tracking what pages on my website you visit so I can sneakily follow up by serving you an ad later on. ;-) If there's something about my emails, videos, or social media posts that resonate with you, it's probably because we feel similarly about how we want to rock this life of ours. I'll never be knocking on your door, but I will always leave mine open for you to walk through when you're ready. I'm UNBELIEVABLY passionate about helping you glow.

Here's more info on my 1-on-1 nutrition / fitness / health coaching program.

And book a free call right here if you've read through that and are ready to get started!

30-second change to supercharge weight loss and health

Do you have a minute to dedicate to your goals?

How about half a minute?

I'm not going to tell you to give up soda or do lunges in your living room for 30-seconds - not today, anyway. ;-) Today, I want you to take a quick inventory of your self-talk. More specifically, I want you to hone in on negative self-talk.

So many times every single day I hear the following from women:

"I am lazy."
"I am out of shape."
"I can't…"
"It's too hard."
"I've never been able to…."

This negative self-talk does 2 things:

1) It makes your brain UNHAPPY, sending it on the hunt to find comfort as soon as possible. For most people I know, food and/or alcohol are quick fixes here. Comfort is a negative sum game. Meaning, your brain WILL get the comfort from somewhere if you've put yourself under attack.

2) It forces you to identify as the person you are feeling like you are. If you think it's too hard, it WILL feel too hard. If you think you're out of shape, you will collect plenty of evidence to prove you are "out of shape". From this place, are you making decisions and taking actions that will propel you forward towards your goals?


Here's the 30-second trick…every time you catch yourself thinking or saying out loud something negative about you, your body, or your health, I want you to pause and replace that thought with something that's positive (or at least neutral).

This is what that looks like:

"Tara, you're so lazy! You've been sitting on the couch after work every single night this week."

Pause. Take a breath. Then say, "It's ok that you've sat on the couch because maybe you needed the rest. Now you can get up and go for the walk." (neutral)


"You're not lazy! Remember that time when you worked full-time and went to school full-time when 9 months pregnant?!" (positive)

It will feel really awkward at first. Then you might start to feel like you want to beat yourself up for the negative self-talk in the first place, but don't! Simply replacing the old thought by telling yourself the new thought right after will start to help you think differently.

When you think differently, you won't be self-sabotaging as often (hello full-pint ice cream Netflix nights!) and you'll be in a better state to gain momentum.

Change your brain, change your life! So, whaddya say?! Are you in?

Weight loss and GOOGLE! Huh?!?!

What do Google and weight loss have to do with each other?

You many be thinking, "Nothing!" But hear me out. ;-)

In a recent video workshop, I talk about exactly this - both literally and metaphorically. It's worth the watch (or listen) if you have been feeling a lack of motivation or direction lately in your healthy / weight loss journey.

Come join me inside my FREE, private facebook group for women looking to lose weight in a healthy + sustainable way for more resources, recipes, and video trainings!

In good health,
