weight loss goals

How much body fat can you lose in 1 day?

Daily fat loss has an upper limit.

So what happens, then, if your caloric deficit is greater than the amount of fat you can lose in a day?

Are you sure you wanna know? It's not good.

Last chance to close this email and be none-the-wiser.

Ok, you got it ....

What happens is you lose lean (non-fat) tissue. You lose muscle, bone density, mitochondria. Your organs shrink. You lose brain mass. Say goodbye to some of your collagen.

The law of thermodynamics is strong with us. Eat less than you use up and you'll lose. Eat more than you use up and you'll gain. But that used to be where it ended. Now we know there's nuance. WHAT, exactly, are you losing? WHAT, exactly, are you gaining? 

Most people lose a mixed bag (some fat but lots of muscle and other lean tissue) but when they gain some or all of it back, it's almost entirely fat. This is usually NOT the desired intent or even something they were aware of!

So how much fat can you actually lose each day???

It depends. It depends on your size and current body composition / body fat percentage. It depends also on whether or not you're maximizing fat loss potential through all the things I talk about here in my weekly newsletters and over on instagram. For example, someone who has better blood sugar balance will be able to maximize daily fat loss potential, moreso than someone whose blood sugar is riddled with spikes and crashes. They are more of a "fat burner". Similarly, someone who is barely getting any sleep and not working on stress management will be more of a "sugar / carb burner" and will tend to lose a greater percentage of their weight as lean mass rather than excess body fat.

But I can tell you this ... it's not a lot and probably less than you'd like. That means the process should be slow. If it's fast, you're likely losing lots of precious lean mass (like muscle) and will be actually priming your body for a greater body fat percentage over time. 

So, fast weight loss isn't just not advised. It's not the fat loss that most people think they're getting! And it sets our body up for MORE fat gain and worsened metabolic health (chronic diseases) down the line.

To give some more context, if you're losing 5 lbs in a week or something, you're almost definitely blowing wayyyy past your maximum daily fat loss and burning through precious lean mass. Even less (2, 3, 4 lbs a week) can be problematic. Too fast and that's where damage is done.

Little caveat ... sometimes, especially in the beginning of some lifestyle changes, inflammatory water retention starts to go away. In this case the pounds might come off faster as a result of that process. That's not a problem and will be temporary.

Example: Person A has fast weight loss. Person B has slow weight loss (with attention to detail like strength training, protein, sleep, blood sugar control). Person B is almost always losing MORE fat than Person A, even though society will tell you otherwise. *Eye roll*

If fat loss is a goal of yours, keep this in mind!


P.S. This Friday will start the Early Black Friday deal for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. We cover all the bases (nutrition, fitness, lifestyle) that will help you maximize your daily fat loss potential as well as focus on health optimization so you feel incredible all the while. <3  Enrollment will be open for just a few days because on actual Black Friday I will be decorating my house with the fam and making our traditional Christmas loops. So, I'm closing the cart before Thanksgiving. ;-) Here's how it'll work: if you enroll between 11/17 and 11/21, you'll be in for the upcoming January round. But not only that, you'll get early access to the whole course and all the materials on 11/22. You can check it out or even start early if you'd like! Make sure you're on the waitlist if you're interested. Waitlist people will get a discount code sent to them when the cart opens.

Stress Eating?

Has this ever happened to you?

You had a long day at work or at home and 5 PM rolls around. You're hungry, tired, stressed and still not sure what you're making for dinner. So, you mindlessly eat the opened bag of pita chips that are sitting on your counter b/c ... pita chips aren't so bad, are they?

And / or you pour yourself a glass of wine to sip on while you try to pull together a meal from whatever random ingredients you have in the fridge.

And / or you grab the pretzels but quickly move over to a pint of ice cream at 9 PM when you finally sit down on the couch to turn the TV on and your brain off.

This, my friend, is stress eating or emotional eating and it's superrrrr common. We have all done it at least occasionally and we are actually hard-wired to have this type of relationship with food. Because if we eat when we're stressed, we get a temporary bump in the pleasure molecules inside our brain. This makes sense! From a survival standpoint, we would have wanted to store extra body fat during times of stress to have a reserve for whatever might be coming.

But if you have current fat loss and / or health and longevity goals, repeating this pattern fairly often will get in the way of you reaching those goals.

What can you do?

Start by understanding your biology! The extra food is a form of self-medicating. It makes you feel good in the moment, but probably not so much afterwards, right? Bloating, cravings, excess hunger later or the next day, feeling out of control, not accomplishing goals ... not awesome.

Instead, pre-plan some options for ways to "self medicate" that help you feel better right then and there AND later. Excess food won't be it.

Eat a satiating, balanced meal. You might actually be hungry! Fill your body with what it wants and can use well. Protein, fat and fiber. You'll likely feel better right then AND later.

Take a walk. Maybe call a friend or family member to catch up with too, or just grab any and all family members to join. That'll make you feel better right then AND later.

Put on some music, take a few deep breaths, have some herbal tea. Better right then AND later.

It's not that you'll never stress / emotional / overeat again. But if you can cut it back drastically, what do you think that would do for you and your goals? How about your confidence?

Next time you're ready to mindlessly eat or drink, ask yourself what you need and what you can do that'll make you feel good both right then AND later. That's the definition of true self care. It feels good in the moment and still feels good later on.

You got this!


P.S. The Early Black Friday deal will start November 17th! The cart will be open for just a few days to enroll for the January round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. If you get in for this deal, you'll get access to the whole course and all the materials the day before Thanksgiving. You can dive in anytime and have a nice, big head-start before we officially begin together as a group in January. Make sure you're on the waitlist! The waitlist will get you a discount code. ;-)

P.P.S. If you need some more customization, accountability, hand-holding because of unique medical situations or you just know yourself well and this is how you work best, check out my 1:1 coaching program.

If I wanted to lose excess body fat before the end of the year, here are 4 things I'd start right now

No one waits around until January 1st to set goals anymore, right?

I really love that we're embracing the fact that we can upgrade anything we want about ourselves at any time. With the holidays getting kicked off a week from today with Halloween, it's the perfect time of year to begin to make a change. It's empowering to go off script a bit plus you can make progress on your goals while reducing cravings ... which comes in very handy around your kids' Halloween haul, during Thanksgiving dessert or that Wednesday night holiday party in December.

I have no current fat loss goals but if I did, here are 4 things I'd start doing right away:

  1. I'd skip the calorie obsession because it leads to overeating. When we pick meals based on them having a lower calorie count, we are not getting enough of the nutrients that actually turn off our hunger. Therefore, whether later that afternoon or night or a handful of days later on the weekend, we will end up overeating. Instead, I'd be ensuring that I was getting enough -- protein, fat and fiber -- at each meal. I'd want this to be at least 20-30g protein, 10-20g fat and 5-15g fiber per meal (3 meals a day ... maybe with an afternoon snack too). This would make me feel nice + satiated and stop the food obsession, cravings, endless hunger and overeating episodes that feel like a willpower issue but are really just a biological issue.

  2. I'd make sure my workouts weren't non-existent, mostly cardio, random, or being phoned in. The way muscle mass helps us have so much more flexibility with our nutrition isn't being talked about enough! More muscle means better blood sugar balance, extra fat burning 24/7 (yes, even when being a sloth on the cough or sleeping), and a higher carbohydrate tolerance. More muscle improves both health and body composition goals. I'd do this by strength training 3-4 days a week, following a comprehensive plan that gets all muscle groups, repeating that same suite of workouts each week for 8-16 weeks or so (not randomly switching it up) and making sure the last few reps of each set feels hard to complete. And then I'd progressively overload by increasing something (reps, sets, resistance) over time. Cardio is great for health, but I would not prioritize that for fat loss goals.

  3. I would indulge with intention. I wouldn't swear off any foods for fear of messing up my progress, but I would also have a serious convo with myself about the truth about my indulgences. Am I saying I don't indulge often but when I go out to eat I have a burger with both buns, fries, and a drink? Or some bread from the bread basket, pasta with my entree and a little dessert? Hot cocoa season is coming up. And cookies. And pie. How much alcohol am I drinking on the weekends? And weekdays? Do I indulge at every party, date night, event, holiday...? Once I had that hard convo with myself about my indulgences, I'd then make sure I kept my favorites in while reining things in a bit. It's not deprivation if you're choosing what you want most over what you want right now. It's just a choice and you get to make whichever one you want in each situation.

  4. Movement. Knowing 15% (sometimes more!) of our metabolic rate is based on how much we're moving outside of workout time, I'd get creative about how to start moving more. Can I ask my employer for a standing desk or just doctor one up myself by stacking my laptop on a bunch of books? Can I take that call or meeting on a walk? Can I sit on the floor and stretch while watching TV instead of sinking into the couch? Can I plan to walk each morning or lunch break? And if the weather is bad, what's my backup plan? Maybe one of those walking pads or under-desk bikes? Can I plan some family fun on weekends that involves being active ... like a hike, playground games, or after dinner walk or bike ride with whoever wants to join? If fat loss was a goal, I'd definitely not skip out on this and make my metabolic rate 15% slower as a result.

What else? Well if you need some more help, you might be interested to know I'll be briefly opening up early enrollment for the January round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind around Black Friday. This will come with early access so you will have the whole course and all the materials to be able to utilize all of it starting in November!

If you have some diagnoses you believe are making your fat loss goals trickier or could use some customization or extra accountability, 1:1 coaching might be more your flavor.

Oh and if fat loss isn't one of your goals, that list is still a great one if you "just" care about longevity and optimal health. ;-)


What IS a portion of carbs? Protein? Fat?

Portion sizes can be confusing, right??

Even before you can implement balancing your meals and days with the right amount of portions that YOUR body needs to be at its best, you have to understand what a portion of each type of food actually IS.

I calculate customized portions for each of my clients based on many different factors. It's highly individualized and not a one-size-fits-all kinda thing AT ALL.

However, just starting to play around with being able to decipher portions is a great place to start! IN THIS VIDEO, I share 2 ways to do just that. One way for if you have a food label in front of you. And the other is for any other situation (home, restaurant, friend's house, vacation, etc.).

Did you find this helpful? I'd love to hear so I can consider that for future content. :-)

Happy day,

Fat Loss MUST be slow. Here's why.

Fat loss HAS to happen slowly. Here's why...

I know we want it to happen quickly. I know we hear things like, "I lost 5 pounds the first week of doing keto." and assume those 5 pounds came from rapid FAT loss (it doesn't). But there's actually a limit to the amount of body fat we can lose per day per person (it varies from person to person).

Restrict your energy intake more than that point and you'll be eating away at your muscles instead.... which will lower your metabolic rate. YUCK!

Here are 3 reasons fat loss MUST happen slowly.

As always, if you have any questions you can hit 'reply' to this email. I'm happy to help!


P.S. Check out these awesome client success stories squished inside of 27 seconds. ;-)

"Can you help me lose 100+ lbs?"

"Tara, can you help me lose 100+ pounds with your coaching program?"

I have a new client who recently asked this question. She loved the sound of my program and my coaching style, but was concerned that because she has a longer journey ahead of her than most (not really - it's a lifelong process for all of us, but it feels longer to her), that maybe my approach / lifestyle change just won't do the trick.

There's ONLY ONE way to lose weight / body fat. That's it. We name it different things, but it's actually incredibly simple (not easy). Let me explain in this video.

Whether you or I ever work together or not, if weight / fat loss is a goal of yours, please make sure you keep in mind that it always boils down to the same science. And that science can only be adhered to when all of the obstacles to change are removed and our brains are rewired to be on our team this time around. This is why my coaching is SO much more than the customized nutrition portions and customized fitness routine that I give each client. That's the simple stuff. But we dive deep into the rest.

If you know anyone looking to lose some body fat as a part of their plan to uplevel their health and lives, please share this with them. We can all overcome obstacles with the right tools and the right attitude. It's 2021 ... time we step up and take back the control to better our lives in whatever ways we'd like.

And if YOU are interested in securing a spot in my 1-on-1 coaching program, hit 'reply' to this email and I'll discuss next steps with you. Spots are always limited, as I'm very hands-on with my clients and would never overbook myself and interfere with that type of service. However, I have clients graduating often, so maybe you'll be next!?!

Health + peace,

2021, here we are!

Happy New Year!

2021 is here. Finally, right? But of course we won't get anything different by having the same habits.

If you're a list person like I am, you might already have a list of goals written down. Or maybe it's simply a word of the year. Maybe it's a certain feeling you're after ... gratitude / contentment. Regardless, if we take these intentions one step further we can set ourselves up for much better odds at accomplishing what we've set out to accomplish!

WATCH THIS 49-second video for more. :-)

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy new year!


P.S. If you need help with your health / nutrition / fitness / healthy lifestyle goals, I'm here. It's exactly what I do and if you're willing to trust the process, I'm excited to help you finally get those lasting results you've been seeking for what seems like forever. No quick fixes. No 'diets'. No ridiculous restrictions, detox teas, or meal plans you must follow. Just a ridiculous amount of support, guidance, accountability... and a customized nutrition + fitness plan just for you.

Sound good? Are you willing and able to invest time and money into your health optimization? I can't imagine investing into anything better!! Our health, energy, moods, and productivity gained will help us achieve and enjoy every other aspect of life. But without health, it's tricky to find a work-around. Let's start where it matters MOST.

Here's some information about my 1-on-1, virtual coaching program (including before and afters and pricing).

IF you've read that and it all looks good, schedule your free call right here so we can chat and make sure it's the right fit.

2021 is the year you gain control back and feel vibrant and sexy! I mean, why not?!

How to run away from your goals

Some of us say we have certain goals, but don't actually know what it might entail to achieve said goals.

Some of us want what we want... while being comfortable the whole time and having an otherwise 'easy' life.

And others.... others do it differently. People who are successful at reaching their goals understand what it will take and they're willing to put in the work, even when no one is watching.

CHECK OUT THIS WEEK'S VIDEO for more about how most people end up inadvertently running away from their goals and how you can do exactly the opposite to finally make progress on yours.


P.S. Have you decided to end 2020 with some positivity? Maybe you are looking to get a bit leaner and healthier? Maybe you'd like to stop feeling so out of control around food and cravings? Maybe you want to finally commit to a home-based exercise program customized just for YOU.

And maybe you want ALL OF THE ABOVE (yeah....dream big!)

Did you know this is what I do for a living? I help all different kinds of people get from where they are right now to where they want to go. How? Through very targeted nutrition (never restrictive and always with room for FUN foods + drinks), a customized workout routine that can be followed from anywhere, and lots and lots of COACHING to get through the obstacles that derail most people -- time management, meal prep ideas, motivation, emotional eating, and lack of confidence that can make us feel less-than. If you've ever been curious about my 1-on-1 coaching program or would like to see details like the cost and some client before + afters, check it out! 

If you're having some guilt thinking about investing into your health, consider this: My top priorities are family, health, and career. When I do a quick audit of my calendar and finances, these 3 priorities are VERY much reflected as such. Is health a priority of yours as well? Does your calendar and budgeting reflect this yet? If not, it may be time to reconsider whether or not it's a true priority.

Whether you and I ever end up working together or not, I look forward to the day when you email me back and tell me you've moved your health to a top 3 priority spot. I know you deserve it. And I know you're here to love others for a long time and do great things ... that deserves your health as well!

If you'd like to chat about how you can be well on your way towards your goals long before we pop the bubbly and say au revoir to 2020, you can sign up for a free call so we can  make sure it's the right fit before moving forward. :-)

Low insulin vs. calorie deficit for fat loss...

Low insulin vs. calorie deficit for fat loss...

Which one is actually more effective?

You might be surprised to learn that one does seem to matter a lot more than the other to achieve your fat loss goals. CHECK OUT THIS QUICK (3 min.) VIDEO to hear more.

What questions do you have about your goals? Leave a comment and I'll be happy to help. :-)

Happy Tuesday,

4 years to your dream body?!

Did you go to college or do you know someone who has?

You know that thing you - or they - did where they committed to 4 years or more knowing there would be no tangible results until graduation? 

There was no gradual payout system where you'd start making a little bit of your desired salary while still in school.

There was no money given back if you didn't succeed by your own hard work and consistency.

You were expected to show up and keep showing up.

Now let's think about your health and body goals...

Do you want to start seeing or feeling results shortly into a new program, diet, fitness routine? You'll only continue on if you are getting results on the timeline you want, right? So if you have to work hard for a month or two and are not getting immediate and rapid results....you, what... throw in the towel?

Image you did that in college? By month 1 or 2 you didn't have your degree yet, so you quit.

Our health and bodies are worth AT LEAST the amount of time, attention, money (all the things!) that you spent on college. Our health and bodies are worth showing up day after day even if the results aren't coming as fast as you want them to. Do you agree?

Come join me in my car as I discuss this a bit more. ;-)


P.S. You know what you get with me...and it's never a hard sell. I don't want to do that to you, but mostly, I don't want any clients who aren't motivated enough to seek me out. I don't want to convince anyone that they're ready for a change. If it takes convincing, it's not a good fit for my coaching style and program. Rather, someone who is ready to put in the work (EAGER even, albeit nervous) will soar in my program. Someone who has been thinking about working with me already, but keeps putting it off. Someone who is attracted to the slow and steady, work your butt off and feel like an absolute badass and role model at the same time vibe ... those are the ones that start coaching with me and optimize their entire lives, not just their health and bodies.

All that to say that I'm here. Even though I don't send you 42 sales emails a week. Even though I'm not tracking what pages on my website you visit so I can sneakily follow up by serving you an ad later on. ;-) If there's something about my emails, videos, or social media posts that resonate with you, it's probably because we feel similarly about how we want to rock this life of ours. I'll never be knocking on your door, but I will always leave mine open for you to walk through when you're ready. I'm UNBELIEVABLY passionate about helping you glow.

Here's more info on my 1-on-1 nutrition / fitness / health coaching program.

And book a free call right here if you've read through that and are ready to get started!

Sugar Cravings: 6 possible reasons and tips for each

Ever wonder where your SUGAR CRAVINGS come from?

Let me share the 6 most common reasons for them ... and, because that would be no fun to end it there... tips for dealing with each one.


Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I get into all the details on my instagram or facebook page. Couldn't upload the video this week...tech issues. But it's still hanging out on social if you prefer to watch and/or want more details.

1) Sugar rollercoaster. This is you if you have any blood sugar regulation issues such as PCOS, prediabetes, insulin resistance, or you just find yourself getting hangry often and not able to last too long between meals. 

Tips: Reduce sugar and refined carbs (like most bread, crackers, chips, pastries, etc.). Make sure your meals are balanced with plenty of protein, healthy fat, fiber, and vegetables. This will help elongate your blood sugar curve and prevent so many spikes and crashes. Also, don't forget to incorporate regular resistance / strength training into your days. Challenging your muscles turns them into sponges to soak up sugar out of the blood (preventing the spikes) and utilize them as fuel. You are making more room for the sugar and carbs, essentially. You can use weights, resistance bands, machines, or simply your own body weight to exercise. 

2) Lack of sleep. This interferes with hormones and hunger / cravings.

Tip: Prioritize both the amount AND the quality of your sleep. If you have young children at home that wake up in the middle of the night, make sure you are doing what you can...such as getting to bed earlier. More broken sleep is better than less.

3) Calories are too low. This could be your average being way too low and causing your body to scream for food by turning up your hunger and cravings...or, you're too low during the week and binging on the weekend. This is you if you think you 'hardly eat anything' but are not actually losing body fat. If you're not losing body fat, you are NOT in an energy deficit when days are averaged out. 

Tip: You do not need to count calories, but you do need to know that calories count. If fat loss is a goal, you need a low-moderate energy deficit. Not enough of a deficit? You won't make progress. Too much of a deficit? You body's survival skills (including increasing your appetite and cravings) will kick in and take over. 

4) Hormonal. Where are my menstruating women at? Have you ever craved sugar before that time of the month? I certainly have!

Tip: Allow yourself a smaller portion of a higher-quality treat, such as chocolate, if you'd like. Aim for no refined sugar or lower sugar options (such as very dark chocolate).

5) Habit. This is you if you want something sweet every night after dinner or every time you go to the movies, etc.

Tips: Swap the food for something else. Distract yourself. And delay your gratification by waiting at least 10 minutes between when your brain requests the treat and when you 'give in'. This will slowly start to train your brain that it won't always get what it wants, when it wants it. Sugar cravings begin to decrease over time as a result.

6) Mindset. You deserve a treat. You have been 'good'. You had a bad day. Does this language sound familiar? 

Tip: It's all about perspective. Listen up. I think you DESERVE to reach your goals. I think you HAVE been good and you DO have bad days sometimes. Which is precisely why I think you owe it to yourself to go for your longer-term goals. Kind parenting isn't about giving into all of our kids' whims, right? We're looking out for their greater good. Same goes for YOU. Being kind to yourself includes certain discipline. Not severe restriction. Not obsessive thoughts. But discipline. Flip the script here.

I'd love to hear from you if you have sugar cravings....will you leave a comment below and let me know which of these 6 categories you fall under? I'm happy to help!


Nothing changes if nothing changes

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

You know that already, right?

In fact, there is probably a lot that you already know you could be doing to move closer to your goals. 

And you might even be frustrated by the very fact that you know things and still seem to have trouble implementing them on a consistent basis.

First of all, I want to let you know this is VERY common. Just knowing things does not build up the skills required to carry out these interventions. In fact, it's an entirely different part of the brain used for learning vs. implementing and staying consistent.

And here's the cycle I see repeat over and over with many people: Big goal, big motivation (at first), trying to change too many things at once with no reasonable long-term plan, sees no results or has too much difficulty staying consistent, gives up and feels down. Rinse and repeat - every Monday, every new season, every New Year...?

Does this resonate with you? It will for many people!

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video in which I discuss how the mismatch between your goals and your actions are blocking you from your results. The more you understand about the behind-the-scenes stuff happening in our brain and with our mindset, the more you will be able to take the wheel and make the lifestyle upgrades you have been trying to make.


P.S. January 1-on-1 coaching spots are filled, but I will have a few spots opening in February. If you are interested and ready to commit to a complete health, nutrition, and fitness transformation, leave a comment or email me: Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com and I will send you my calendar so you can schedule yourself for a free call to chat. Never any sales pressure (I don't play like that), but we need to both be sure that it's the right fit before moving forward. ;-)

P.P.S. We all have goals! I've been working on tilted inversions, wrist mobility, handstands, etc. And guess what? I kinda suck! Sucking at something is awesome....so much room to improve. I'd love to hear what you suck at and see if it's something I can help with. 


Are you lying to yourself? (Self-integrity for the win)

The opposite of lying to yourself is self-integrity...

And I want to convince you today that that's exactly what you need more of in your life in order to accomplish your health and body goals. Cool?

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I'm discussing smoking, addictions, food, fitness, self-integrity, and how you can make a simple (but not necessarily easy) change RIGHT NOW that will put you right back on the path towards your goals.

Does that sound like it's worth the 10-minute video? ;-) 

Enjoy your day,


P.S. Only 2-ish more weeks left to purchase my healthy holiday desserts e-cookbook before it goes into the vault until next year. It contains 42 delicious, gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free recipes that will become staples in your house for years to come! Yes, I'm that confident about these. ;-) There's something for everyone with a variety of flavors and types. Plenty of baked goods like cookies and brownies, but also stovetop, slow cooker, and NO bake options for when you're in a rush to get 'er done.

Grab your copy right here.

Taking responsibility so you are EMPOWERED to transform

If you are the 'problem', then you also get to be the solution.

And let me be really clear: I am not talking about beating yourself up here!

But, if you can start to look past your (very real) excuses and see just your role in getting to where you're at right now, then you'll also be able to feel empowered to change what you want to.

You see, if you had NO control in getting here, how can you possibly believe that you will have any control in getting there?

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video all about this!

And by the way, my ridiculous straight-out-of-the-shower-hot-and humid-crazy-updo hairstyle apparently ruffled someone's feathers on Facebook. Hop on over to my Facebook page if you want to check out what was said and my response.

Here's what's important though: there will always be trolls - or people that aren't supporting you or excuses or people that want to dull your shine. And if you have big goals like I do…you have to ignore it or use it to fuel you. I'm not going to stop showing up on live video to deliver messages of health, longevity, self love, and empowerment just because my hair looks silly that day….or I have no makeup on….or I'm in my pajamas. ;-) I'm showing up - just as I am - no matter what. My BIG goal in starting this business is to help EVERYONE that I can no matter what. If we can't work together one-on-one or in a group setting, then I hope to provide enough information and inspiration so that you can make miracles happen on your own. And if I had to get all glammed up to share my message, it wouldn't happen as often. And it wouldn't help as much. And it would be FAKE because I'd be pretending to be polished all the time when I am…not! :-) 

I've done polished. I've checked the boxes on uniforms, and business casual, and school reports with perfect reference pages. I've done policies, procedures, and scripts at the hospital as a nurse. I've had to encourage meds and interventions when I knew in my heart that my patient needed more of my time instead. Less charting, less narcotics, more heart. I'm not against all meds at all! I'm very grateful for the types of medical services we are lucky enough to have access to. But, sometimes we need humanity first and foremost.

So, here I am showing up outside of the lines. I say "um" a lot. I record live videos in my pajamas if it's nighttime (or early evening sometimes….let's be real) and I have something to share that might help someone.

My priority just wasn't my hair that day - nor is it ever, really. ;-)

I hope you feel comfortable being you despite whatever hurdles are thrown your way.

In good health,

Your goals are set. Now what?!?

Don't wait for motivation to 'strike'!

Have you ever entered a new year (like right now) with tons of great intention, motivation, and a list of things you want to magically change about yourself or your routines?  And then something derails your progress a day, a week, or a month in?  Or you're making so many changes at once it becomes impossible to get them all straight?

I've been there!  In fact, I'm the queen of lists and dreaming big and taking on wayyy more than I can manage (sanely, anyway).

My latest Workshop Wednesday video was all about how choose where to focus and how to not rely on feeling motivated to do so. The truth is, successful people are no more motivated than you or I.  Successful people just implement a plan that involves taking action regardless of motivation being present or not.  The specific tactic I get into in the video is called The Domino Effect. If you have been nerding out on goals and creating new habits lately, you're going to want to check out this video!

Happy New Year!

In good health and holiday cheer,


How to achieve ANY goal you have!

Do you want to lose weight? Do you wish you could eat better more consistently? Have you been putting off your workouts?

In the video below, I share everything you need to know to break down ANY goal you have into action steps and daily practices. I discuss The Habit Loop and The Cycle that you can apply to any area of your life that you’re looking to upgrade.

**Warning: The video gets wonky around minute 4 but then picks up around minute 7 or so. This was a livestream and my internet connection was poor. However, you don’t miss much at all (what the heck was I talking about for those 3 minutes, anyway?!?) and I believe you will gain so much from watching this if you are looking to achieve something in particular.

If you are not on my email list, hop on ASAP so you can receive the companion worksheet I mentioned that’s heading to an inbox near you on Tuesday, October 23, 2018. :-) Sign up right here!

In good health,


Wrapping up 2018 with a WIN

October is HERE!

Isn’t that bananas?! I can’t believe we have entered the final 3 months of the year…the last 90 days…the 4th quarter…

Anywho, here’s what’s awesome about that: YOU get to decide how you want to end 2018. YOU get to choose to hold your head up and see this year out with tons of momentum going into the New Year. The holidays certainly bring up some unique hurdles and traditions, but it never has to mean that they have control over you. Never. YOU are always the one in control.

If you’ve been feeling like you want to focus on something - a goal - to wrap up the year and feel accomplished, then this video is perfect for you. We get into the 7 steps you need to choose what to focus on.

HOW do you want to feel on December 31st as you’re counting down 10-9-8-7…?

HOW do you want to show up for yourself?

HOW do you want your energy, your strength, your immune system, your confidence, your patience, and your life to look? Give yourself the edge this year and COMMIT to something.

It’s your journey. What will you choose?

In good health,


What are YOUR big rocks?

Are you mopping the floor when your house is on fire?

Are you chewing gum for the extra calorie burn, but then chugging down a Venti Frap on your way home from work?

Watch this #WonderWednesday LIVE video to see what the heck I'm talking about…and help figure out where to start with your weight loss and health goals.

Then, come back and drop a comment.  Tell me, what is one of YOUR big rocks?

In good health,


P.S. It's subtle, but around a minute or so in, I shoo away a neighbor so I can keep talking to you guys!  :-O  Oops.  At least I'm passionate!  Haha.