fitness goals

How to run away from your goals

Some of us say we have certain goals, but don't actually know what it might entail to achieve said goals.

Some of us want what we want... while being comfortable the whole time and having an otherwise 'easy' life.

And others.... others do it differently. People who are successful at reaching their goals understand what it will take and they're willing to put in the work, even when no one is watching.

CHECK OUT THIS WEEK'S VIDEO for more about how most people end up inadvertently running away from their goals and how you can do exactly the opposite to finally make progress on yours.


P.S. Have you decided to end 2020 with some positivity? Maybe you are looking to get a bit leaner and healthier? Maybe you'd like to stop feeling so out of control around food and cravings? Maybe you want to finally commit to a home-based exercise program customized just for YOU.

And maybe you want ALL OF THE ABOVE (yeah....dream big!)

Did you know this is what I do for a living? I help all different kinds of people get from where they are right now to where they want to go. How? Through very targeted nutrition (never restrictive and always with room for FUN foods + drinks), a customized workout routine that can be followed from anywhere, and lots and lots of COACHING to get through the obstacles that derail most people -- time management, meal prep ideas, motivation, emotional eating, and lack of confidence that can make us feel less-than. If you've ever been curious about my 1-on-1 coaching program or would like to see details like the cost and some client before + afters, check it out! 

If you're having some guilt thinking about investing into your health, consider this: My top priorities are family, health, and career. When I do a quick audit of my calendar and finances, these 3 priorities are VERY much reflected as such. Is health a priority of yours as well? Does your calendar and budgeting reflect this yet? If not, it may be time to reconsider whether or not it's a true priority.

Whether you and I ever end up working together or not, I look forward to the day when you email me back and tell me you've moved your health to a top 3 priority spot. I know you deserve it. And I know you're here to love others for a long time and do great things ... that deserves your health as well!

If you'd like to chat about how you can be well on your way towards your goals long before we pop the bubbly and say au revoir to 2020, you can sign up for a free call so we can  make sure it's the right fit before moving forward. :-)

Your goals are set. Now what?!?

Don't wait for motivation to 'strike'!

Have you ever entered a new year (like right now) with tons of great intention, motivation, and a list of things you want to magically change about yourself or your routines?  And then something derails your progress a day, a week, or a month in?  Or you're making so many changes at once it becomes impossible to get them all straight?

I've been there!  In fact, I'm the queen of lists and dreaming big and taking on wayyy more than I can manage (sanely, anyway).

My latest Workshop Wednesday video was all about how choose where to focus and how to not rely on feeling motivated to do so. The truth is, successful people are no more motivated than you or I.  Successful people just implement a plan that involves taking action regardless of motivation being present or not.  The specific tactic I get into in the video is called The Domino Effect. If you have been nerding out on goals and creating new habits lately, you're going to want to check out this video!

Happy New Year!

In good health and holiday cheer,
