real foods

Hummus Among Us

Guys…guess what?  If you rethink your hummus strategy, your whole world opens up.  ;-)

If you buy (or make) a plain, classic-style hummus, use it as a base to mix in other condiments, herbs, spices, produce, "things".

Consider adding:

  • Avocado for a good mayo replacement
  • Tomato sauce for a creamy pasta topping or veggie dip
  • Sriracha or hot sauce if you like it spicy
  • Pumpkin or beets for a filling, sweeter, healthified dip or sandwich topper.  Or, try this on zoodles (zucchini noodles)
  • Herbs, spices, oil, vinegar, and/or lemon juice for a creamy salad dressing.  This also works well for cold pasta and potato salads and spiralized veggie-pasta dishes.

Make your hummus work for you!  It's a happy medium between eating more real/whole foods and not becoming overwhelmed with too much time or energy in the kitchen.  This tip saves your money too!  Buy your hummus (or chickpeas to make your own) in bulk and customize it for each person and meal afterwards.  No more buying 1,284 different kinds of hummus at the store and draining your wallet.

Need help in the kitchen with meal prep or learning HOW and WHY we should be eating a certain way for our individual bodies and health goals?  Let me know!  I work with my one-on-one clients to catapult you towards your healthiest version of yourself.  I aim to get you on your feet so you don't need me anymore!  I provide nutrition, fitness, and overall wellness assistance. I am your health buddy!  I am the front lines.  Let's see if we can save you time and money by increasing your energy, your vitality, your productivity, and boosting your immune system,  Let's decrease your reliance on meds, your grocery bill, your sick days, and your days missed LIVING because you have brain fog, pain, and fatigue.  

Email me!  We can chat about how I can help you.

Regular hummus mixed with pure tomato sauce and some herbs came together in about 45 seconds and became a delicious dip for our colorful veggies!

Regular hummus mixed with pure tomato sauce and some herbs came together in about 45 seconds and became a delicious dip for our colorful veggies!

Banana Sushi Shenanigans

Do you ever plan to make something really elaborate to bring to a party only to realize you have 5 minutes left to pull something together?  Please tell me it's not just me!

This weekend I was busy working hard and momming harder until nearly the time we had to leave.  That's ok!  This is where creativity shows up at just the right time.  I saw my banana hammock and knew I wanted to make something that looked and tasted fancier than it really was.  ;-)  Enter… Banana Sushi! 

P.S.  It truly took only 5 minutes to make.  Then I dropped it everywhere.  Batch #2 took another 5 minutes.  So if you're clumsy like me, allot 5 minutes (batch 1) + 5 minutes (batch 2) + 3 minutes (clean-up) = 13 minutes…still totally doable, right?! 

Side note:  This "chocolate" works for just about any chocolate-y recipe you want.  Feel free to add peanut butter too if you're feeling extra indulgent.  Just please, please, please - for the love of nut butter - make sure your peanut butter has nothing but peanuts listed in the ingredients.  Sugar, hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup have NO business being in YOUR peanut butter.  



Banana Sushi




Cacao powder

Coconut oil


Hemp seeds


*Note: no measurements are listed because I just played around with the ingredients until I got the consistency and taste I wanted.   For me, I didn't want it to be too sweet, so I didn't use too much honey.  




1. Cut banana in 1/4 inch slices.

2. In one bowl, mix coconut oil, cacao powder, and honey in a bowl.

3. Pour hemp seeds in a seperate bowl.

4. Dip bananas in chocolate mix until coated and then spoon hemp seeds on half of them.

5. Place coated bananas on wax paper.

6. Freeze for at least an hour before devouring.  ;-)

Banana Sushi waiting for their dip in the freezer

Banana Sushi waiting for their dip in the freezer

Health and Nutrition Discovery Course

Guys, guys, guys (and gals, gals, gals)...

Isn't it about time you found a place to learn about nutrition?  Someone to break it down in a quick and easy format so you can learn WHAT to eat, WHEN, and most importantly, WHY food affects you the way it does?

Enter: my email course!  I've written a 4-week long course that gets delivered straight to your inbox weekly with that week's lesson, goals, actions steps, some healthy recipes, and bonus resources to make your transformation that much easier (hint: meal prep and shopping guides).

I first launched my course this past May to some very satisfied clients (weight loss, migraines gone, one brave client was able to drop her anxiety meds after she reported feeling "more steady" on the new way of eating, etc.)  Since then, I'm happy to report I've had continuous enrollment and just as much enthusiasm with each relaunch.  

So, what are YOU waiting for?  Is $47 a good investment for…your health, your body, your mind, your energy, your productivity, your moods, your family's well-being?  Of course it is!  Think about all you'll save on: future doctors and meds, perhaps?  "Convenience foods", books, and products for various ailments or weight loss? All the HSN or Amazon shopping you do in the middle of the night (did I mention we discuss tips and tricks to improve sleep)?