balance blood sugar

3 steps to crush sugar cravings and lose excess body fat

Imagine a life with no cravings!

No, wait…imagine what would happen to your body and your health if the sugar cravings could finally go away!

While there are no magic pills to make such a thing happen, there are definite steps you can take. In my latest Workshop Wednesday video, I shared 3 steps that will get to the root cause of your cravings and help you lose excess body fat. Consider this your road map to start taking action and seeing results!

If you're finding these videos helpful, hop onto my email list to ensure that you don’t miss them! I share healthified + delicious recipes (is there any other way though?!?), workouts, wellness and weight loss video trainings, and new opportunities over there - weekly! And P.S. you’ll receive a super-awesome welcome gift right away when you join. ;-)


Talk soon,


Almond Flour Versatility

You have almond flour.  It's sitting in the back of your pantry.  It may have dust on it!?  You bought it for that recipe you made a few months ago - ya know, when you were super-duper gung-ho on your gluten-free / paleo / Whole30 / healthy-mama-and-family kick?  Now what?

Guys, almond flour is not an ingredient that should come with buyer's remorse.  It's SO versatile!  Full of plant protein, healthy unsaturated fats, and heart-and-body-loving fiber, it should be allowed into the spotlight of your food prep just a bit more. ;-) 

Almond flour can bring added nutrition and goodness in many ways:

  • Healthy baking - it's the perfect alternative to regular bleached or whole wheat flour for those with food sensitivities and those just looking to step up their health game.
  • Thickening agent - add slowly into soup, stews, dips, sauces, and even hummus if you need a slightly thicker or more dense consistency.
  • "Protein powder" - throw into smoothies, healthy fudge, in yogurt, oatmeal, energy balls, sauce…anywhere you may need a little boost in protein.
  • "Breading" - Mix with some spices and herbs for a quick and easy replacement for breading.  Make your own mozzarella sticks, breaded and baked chicken, or zucchini fries by dipping the food in egg first and then in the almond flour/herb mixture. Yum!  This is the perfect appetizer swap (hmm….SuperBowl, anyone?).


So, will you dust off that bag of almond flour (or just go ahead and buy it already)?!?!  What do you like to make with this powdered beauty?

I'd love to hear from you if there are any other ingredients that haven't been in your meal prep rotation in a while….or any products/ingredients you've been wanting to purchase, but just can't justify since you don't know what to do with it after that. ONE. recipe.  Let me know!  Maybe I'll feature it in an upcoming post.  ;-)

Make it an awesome, almond-y day!

In health,


Health and Nutrition Discovery Course

Guys, guys, guys (and gals, gals, gals)...

Isn't it about time you found a place to learn about nutrition?  Someone to break it down in a quick and easy format so you can learn WHAT to eat, WHEN, and most importantly, WHY food affects you the way it does?

Enter: my email course!  I've written a 4-week long course that gets delivered straight to your inbox weekly with that week's lesson, goals, actions steps, some healthy recipes, and bonus resources to make your transformation that much easier (hint: meal prep and shopping guides).

I first launched my course this past May to some very satisfied clients (weight loss, migraines gone, one brave client was able to drop her anxiety meds after she reported feeling "more steady" on the new way of eating, etc.)  Since then, I'm happy to report I've had continuous enrollment and just as much enthusiasm with each relaunch.  

So, what are YOU waiting for?  Is $47 a good investment for…your health, your body, your mind, your energy, your productivity, your moods, your family's well-being?  Of course it is!  Think about all you'll save on: future doctors and meds, perhaps?  "Convenience foods", books, and products for various ailments or weight loss? All the HSN or Amazon shopping you do in the middle of the night (did I mention we discuss tips and tricks to improve sleep)?