macro counting

What IS a portion of carbs? Protein? Fat?

Portion sizes can be confusing, right??

Even before you can implement balancing your meals and days with the right amount of portions that YOUR body needs to be at its best, you have to understand what a portion of each type of food actually IS.

I calculate customized portions for each of my clients based on many different factors. It's highly individualized and not a one-size-fits-all kinda thing AT ALL.

However, just starting to play around with being able to decipher portions is a great place to start! IN THIS VIDEO, I share 2 ways to do just that. One way for if you have a food label in front of you. And the other is for any other situation (home, restaurant, friend's house, vacation, etc.).

Did you find this helpful? I'd love to hear so I can consider that for future content. :-)

Happy day,

Does protein burn more calories?

Technically, it does! CHECK OUT THIS QUICK VIDEO where I explain the "Thermic Effect of Food" -- basically, how many calories it takes to digest each type of food we eat. You might be shocked at how different it is between the various macronutrients (fat, carbs, and protein).

And of course, if you have any questions or need some help with your own customized portions, I'm an email reply away. ;-)

Happy day

Track THIS!

Heyyyyy there! I know it's tempting to want to tally calories or macros. You might like to track all the details of your workouts. Or maybe it's points you're used to adding up?

Some of those things can be helpful for certain people, but I'd like to share what I believe is helpful for EVERYONE on a health / body transformation journey and why it should be the first thing (and maybe only thing?) you track.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO and get ready to implement this simple yet effective metric to track that has the potential to turn everything around for you!


P.S. Are we friends on social? If so, you may have seen me mention that I will be increasing my 1-on-1 coaching prices very soon. I've made lots of upgrades to the program and it's time to restructure the investment as well. That being said, I want to extend you the opportunity to jump on and be grandfathered (or grandmothered?) in at the lower rate as a thank you for hanging out with me here on my email list. 

Here are the details of the program.

For 2 more weeks I will be extending the lower rate if you simply mention this blog post. That's $30 off per month!

If you are ready to optimize your health, body, and finally feel amazing in your skin and in your life, let's do it! Schedule a free call so we can dive into details about your goals and set a start date. I can't wait to work with you!! :-)


Stop Counting Calories! 5 reasons why it's not the exact science that you think it is.

Are you counting calories? Tracking macros? Wondering why it's not working in the long-term?

Counting calories is way off from the exact science that so many people think it is. (More on that in a minute) But besides the inaccuracy, I urge my clients to consider the fact that mental wellness is a huuuuuuge part of overall wellness and anything that's going to make us feel defeated or put the focus outside of our bodies rather than tuning into our bodies is not going to be the best method for fat loss or any other health goals.

Today I'm sharing 5 specific ways in which calorie counting is flawed. Make sure you stay tuned until the end where I answer this question: "Tara, do YOU ever have your clients count calories?" The answer may surprise you.

I'd love to hear more about your history with counting calories or macros. Has it worked? Does it feel doable forever? Or would you like a better way to reach and sustain your goals? Hit 'reply' to this email and let me know!


P.S. While we're on calories, you do know healthified holiday desserts have no calories, right?! ;-) Did you know Smart Cookie, my brand-new e-cookbook with FORTY-TWO healthy dessert recipes (all are gluten-free and dairy-free as well) is available now and for a limited time during this holiday season?

Grab your copy right now! It's never too early to indulge when we're talking about wholesome ingredients and mouth-watering recipes.

And who doesn't need a Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie in their lives right about now?!


What are YOUR big rocks?

Are you mopping the floor when your house is on fire?

Are you chewing gum for the extra calorie burn, but then chugging down a Venti Frap on your way home from work?

Watch this #WonderWednesday LIVE video to see what the heck I'm talking about…and help figure out where to start with your weight loss and health goals.

Then, come back and drop a comment.  Tell me, what is one of YOUR big rocks?

In good health,


P.S. It's subtle, but around a minute or so in, I shoo away a neighbor so I can keep talking to you guys!  :-O  Oops.  At least I'm passionate!  Haha.