
Holiday Cookies

It's almost Cookie Month! That's what we're calling December these days, right???

My FAVORITE holiday cookie and everything sweet recipes are inside my e-cookbook, Smart Cookie. There are 84 recipes in there this year, to be exact. It has something for EVERYone like pumpkin, gingerbread, cranberry, apple, so much chocolate, hazelnut, mint ...

Pies, cake, fat bombs / freezer fudge, no bake, bake, stovetop, slow cooker ... and of course lots of cookies.

But just in case it's not in the cards for you to grab that cookbook this year, I wanted to share these 3 cookie recipes that didn't make it into my book. Hope you enjoyyyyy!

Cookie Recipes


5 ingredients + 30 minutes (or less!) PFF recipes

It's Thanksgiving week (here in the U.S.)

And you might be finding yourself frustrated that you and your family still has to eat everyday leading up to the holiday when all you want to do is get the holiday prep taken care of. LOL

Not only that but with the extra indulgences coming, it's pretty important to take care of your blood sugar and cravings in the days before and after. This means exercise and movement (dance while you cook?) but also adequate protein, healthy fats, and fiber with each meal.

I put together a little recipe collection of meal ideas that are all 5 ingredients or less and take 30 minutes or less to help you out this week. Best part is they are all at least 20 grams of protein, have healthy fat, and at least 5 g of fiber. There are some omnivore options and some plant-based. Hope you enjoy!


I am SUPER grateful that you allow me to pop into your inbox every week with my top tips and resources for health, fitness, nutrition, longevity, women's health, and metabolism. And it just seems like the perfect week to let you know: I'm thankful that you're here. For one it's so much more fun than just talking to myself. But also, I know that the more we can fill the world with people who care for themselves and feel incredible in body + mind, the more of a light we can be to others. It's the coolest kind of pay-it-forward strategy we can choose to champion. Our energy (and knowledge) is so darn contagious.

So anyway, THANK YOU. I'm so happy you're here! And I hope you have a wonderful week filled with whatever combination of food, family, friends, alone time, projects and / or traditions that bring you peace.


Holiday apps + sides

Thanksgiving is in 21 days.

But who's counting?!

Whether you're hosting or visiting or just ready to make some holiday-inspired dishes for a regular day, I wanted to share my holiday apps + sides collection with you. If we were inbox buddies last year around this time, you might already have this collection. But just in case you've joined me recently or possibly misplaced this, I figured I'd shoot it over to you again.

While these recipes aren't all balanced the PFF + intentional carb way, they are all better-for-you versions of many of our holiday staples and traditional dishes. And since they're free of gluten, dairy, refined sugar, artificial dye, and all happen to be plant-based, they are sure to please a wide variety of your family and friends.


Stay tuned for more info coming soon when I'll be sharing details about my release of this year's version of Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts e-cookbook. If you like better-for-you versions of indulgent + nostalgic holiday treats, you're not gonna want to miss this one. ;-)


Fall, Sweet Fall

Fall can be pretty SWEET, huh?

Want to make it sweeter? I created a little Fall-inspired dessert collection to share with you today. While these are "healthified" in that they use real ingredients that are less inflammatory than most of what we can buy out there, they are still indulgences! So rather than swap out your healthy PFF (protein, fat, and fiber) meal for one of these, you'll be better off having them in place of a typical store-bought indulgence on occasion.

A healthy lifestyle gets us our goals AND includes indulgences. Finding that balance is KEY. Hope THIS COLLECTION helps. ;-)


Apple Vs. Pumpkin Fall Collection

I was gonna share a pumpkin-only recipe collection in celebration of the unofficial start to Fall, but some of you guys can't stand pumpkin (I know ... can you imagine?!?!) ;-)

So I decided to split it right down the middle with 4 pumpkin and 4 apple recipes. Hope you enjoy THIS recipe collection, even if it's still beach weather where you live too.   :-P


Thyroid Issues?

Know anyone with thyroid issues?

The thing about thyroid issues is that the issues themselves are not the problem, but rather a symptom of the problem. If it's auto-immune in nature, why is your body's immune system overreactive? If it's just your garden-variety hypo- or hyper- (or mixed) -thyroidism, why is your body not able to regulate the important functions of this mighty gland right now? Where might it be needing to put out fires elsewhere that it had to drop the ball?

I'm NOT against conventional treatment when necessary, but I strongly believe that conventional treatment or not, if we don't optimize, other health issues will keep popping up because nothing was truly fixed at the root.

Thyroid health is often so much more complicated than just looking at 1 or a few lab values. In fact, many doctors don't even order enough lab tests to get the full scope of what's going on. If you suspect a thyroid problem, be sure to seek out a medical practitioner you really trust and one who is comprehensive and willing to look for the root cause of why your thyroid is acting up in the first place.

Hyperthyroidism is out there for sure, but most people who come to me for help do so because of hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can often cause weight gain or weight loss resistance, dry or brittle hair and nails, depression, cold intolerance, low libido, low energy, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, imbalanced blood sugar, and painful or missed periods.

Due to a bunch of recent questions on the topic, I decided to dedicate a whole week on my socials to thyroid dysfunction. Check out THIS POST where I discussed how I would induce hypothyroidism in myself if I wanted it again (I had it. Reversed it. Don't want it back, but it helps prove the point that our previous and current choices matter when it comes to this stuff.)

Here are ways to promote healthy thyroid function (alongside conventional treatment, on your own, or even if your thyroid is currently healthy and you want to keep it that way):

  • NO yoyo dieting or over-restriction.

  • Fuel your body well and with the right amount of food for your needs. This is something everyone should know about themselves, but few actually do. Make it a point to learn this!

  • Eat enough carbohydrates. Most people eat too many. Some cut out too many. Just like the last point, know what you need. If you have hypothyroidism, I recommend adding an extra carb serving per day on top of your baseline needs.

  • Avoid toxins in beauty and home products, extra hormones and antibiotics in your food supply wherever possible.

  • Avoid overexercising or practicing a maladaptive ratio of exercise (like tons of cardio and no strength training)

  • Eat and live your life in a way that promotes blood sugar balance

  • Test of levels of micronutrients like zinc, iron, magnesium, iodine, selenium, vitamin B complex, vitamin D, vitamin A and / or be sure to include enough of them through your food intake. Consider talking to your healthcare practitioner about supplementation.

  • Give yourself 7-9 hour sleep opportunities most nights of the week

  • Reduce stress and work on stress management tools like breathwork, mindfulness practices, self care, boundaries, new hobbies, time outdoors, etc.

  • When stress levels are normalized, consider adding cold exposure a few times a week. This helps convert some of our regular white fat to brown / beige fat - a more metabolically active type AND helps the thyroid gland produce better hormone ratios.

If you need help with one or any of these areas, make sure you hop on the waitlist for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. It's my 28-day course on boosting metabolism, healing, and we cover everything in the list above and more! The next round starts in September and if you're on the waitlist, you'll get a discount code and be notified when the cart opens so you can grab a spot.

Oh, and I put together THIS RECIPE COLLECTION for you. It contains thyroid-supportive recipes containing the nutrients listed above as well as a carb source, at least 5g fiber, 10-30g healthy fat, and at least 20g protein per recipe. Hope you love 'em!


P.S. I think you need my weekly newsletters. It’s time. You can sign up RIGHT HERE. :-)

Party-It-Up Recipe Collection

It's the Thursday after a holiday weekend...

At least if you're in the U.S., it is. I wanted to get this out to you before the holiday weekend, but I couldn't quite get it ready in time. (Did you hear? TRANSFORM: Body + Mind pre-launch group just wrapped up their first week of the 28-day course and it's been INCREDIBLE so far! Follow along in stories on the 'gram for behind-the-scenes.)

Anyway, since I know you and you're not a 1-and-done kinda partier, I have confidence that you'll put these recipes to good use throughout the rest of the season. ;-)

I present to you ... The Summer '22 Party-It-Up Recipe Collection.


P.S. I think you need to be on my newsletter list. You can do that RIGHT HERE.

Popsicle Recipes 2022

Since we're on a roll with the Summer recipes...

HERE are a few fun, popsicles to try. No, they're not loaded with protein but they are made with just a few ingredients and an awesome swap for many other indulgent treats when it's extra hot + sweaty out there. 

I have an exciting announcement to make. If you follow me on social media and watch my stories, you may already know ... I've been busy creating a COURSE. This 28-day course is perfect for those who want to boost their metabolism, lose fat and / or put on muscle, and do so in a HEALTHY and sustainable way. I'm about to take a small pre-launch group through but this course will be available for its first public launch in September (with signs ups likely starting in August). If you want to know alllll the details -- including cost and what to expect -- check out THIS LINK and be sure to join the waitlist if you are interested. Trust me. ;-)

Happy Tuesday,

Summer '22 Protein Smoothie Recipes

Delicious + Summer-y way to meet your protein needs comin' in hot ....

Sometimes I talk all about how magical protein is (helps you build muscle, boosts your metabolism, keeps you nice and satisfied, blah blah ...), and sometimes I just wanna share some delicious Summer smoothie recipes with you that all have at least 20g of protein in them. ;-)

Have for a meal, a snack, dessert, mix with liquor (you do you) ... or throw in ice pop moulds and enjoy them around the fire pit later.


Happy almost-Summer,

Thanksgiving is next week...


Thanksgiving is next week already!

If you're like me, you're still thinking about exactly what you want to make, bake, serve, or bring with you. If you would like LOTS of dessert options that are full of taste without any refined sugar, gluten, or dairy, GRAB MY E-COOKBOOK right now. It's an instant download which means all 42 of these mouth-watering recipes will be in your hands within a few seconds of purchase. There's a regular version and a printer-friendly version. While these recipes are designed to be devoured during the festive holiday season, I can promise you ... they are too good not to eat all year round. 

Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts is available for a limited time. Have your cake ... and eat it too. ;-)


Strawberry Chia Jam

Strawberry Chia Jam


2 cups of strawberries

1 T raw honey

2 T chia seeds


  1. Trim the stems from the strawberries and cut in half. Place strawberries, honey and chia seeds in a blender or food processor and pulse until it reaches your preferred jam-consistency.

  2. Transfer jam into a saucepan and place on the stove over medium heat. Stir until it begins to bubble. Reduce heat to low and let simmer for 10 to 15 minutes or until jam begins to thicken.

  3. Remove from heat and pour into a mason jar. Let cool and then store in the fridge for up to 7 days. Freeze if using down the road. Enjoy!

Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts Recipe E-Book


It's baaaaaaaaaack! (Well, almost)

If you've been hanging with me here for at least a year, than you might remember that last year I created a holiday-themed e-recipe book filled with DESSERTS. It's called Smart Cookie and contains 42 recipes that are free of gluten, dairy, and refined sugar. Some are baked goods, some are easy peasy no bake, and others use the crockpot or stove top. EVERY kind of nostalgic holiday flavor your heart (and mouth) desires like pumpkin, chocolate, cranberry, apple, gingerbread, cinnamon, hazelnut, etc.

This e-recipe book is an instant download. This means as soon as you purchase it, you get your very own link to download TWO copies -- the pretty one with all the mouth-watering pictures and the printer-friendly one in case you don't wanna use up all your printer's ink. ;-) 

It'll be $17 and available in a week and a half!! (Friday, November 6th). Mark your calendars and get ready to satisfy both your pull towards eating more real food.... aaaaaand your sweet tooth!

I'll send out an email with the link when it's available for purchase (so make sure you’re on the list!), and you can also grab that link on social and my website starting November 6th. 



20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes

20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes

Ok, so I know most of us are technically *not* in quarantine anymore (phew!), but I wanted to (re)share this free recipe e-book in case you missed it last time.

I find around this time of year, many people are home from vacations, getting ready for a new schedule in September, and excited about cooking again (maybe just a little?).

This recipe book is unique in that it focuses on pantry-friendly ingredients that you may normally have on hand or maybe you stocked up on when groceries were a bit tricky to get your hands on.

Regardless, there's lots of great meal and snack ideas and all happen to be gluten and dairy free.


If you make any of these and post them on social, be sure to tag me so I can check it out!

Happy Tuesday,


Just a cold, sweet treat today...

Keepin' it simple today...

...with a delicious recipe. If you want to catch up with the workouts and health and fat loss tips of the week, come visit me on instagram. Be sure to check stories ... I post there everyday!


Chia Seed Breakfast Popsicles


  • 1 cup Plain Yogurt (coconut, Greek... whatever you'd like)

  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

  • 2 tbsps Raw Honey

  • 1 tbsp Chia Seeds

  • 1/3 cup Strawberries (sliced into small pieces)

  • 1 Peach (sliced into small pieces)

  • 1/3 cup Pineapple (sliced into small pieces)

  • 1/2 cup Granola (buy, make... your call)


  1. In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine the yogurt, almond milk, honey, and chia seeds. Mix well.

  2. Fill popsicle moulds about 1/4 of the way with the yogurt mixture then drop in the fruit. Spoon more of the yogurt mixture in to cover the fruit. To burst any air-pockets in your popsicles, press down on the mixture with a spoon.

  3. Sprinkle the granola into the moulds to cover the yogurt and fruit, and press down with a spoon so that it gets incorporated with the yogurt mixture.

  4. Freeze for at least 5 hours. When you're ready to eat, leave on the counter for 10 minutes before removing from moulds, so they will slide out effortlessly. Enjoy!


Comfort eating / comfort sitting on the couch....

It's true that we need comfort right now. In fact, without some comfort in our days, our brain will takeover and seek it out even against your will. Maybe you've seen this in action already? You had every intention to skip the pantry surfing after dark and workout, but instead you skipped the workout and devoured everything in the pantry in what seemed like a semi-conscious state.

Sound familiar? It's something you may be used to doing long before quarantine started. But certainly now it's heightened. Of course... we are worried, bored, stuck at home, not sure what lies ahead, stressed - it's a recipe for comfort-seeking.

But seeking comfort isn't as simple as that. Often, the way we choose to seek out comfort actually leads us to DIScomfort in the future. So, to find true comfort, we need a balance of some in-the-moment strategies that work in the here and now but don't deter from our future selves. AND, we need to do some things that might bring us a little discomfort right now for the sake of future comfort.

Let me explain in this live video I recorded last week on facebook.

Is this something you're dealing with? If so, I have tons of resources that I'd love to share with you. Hit 'reply' to this email and let's chat.
If you'd like to see a quick video sharing more of how I help people (including before and afters - even my own before & after!), check this out.


Here's what happened on social:

Dumbbell shoulder workout

Easter morning

Slow cooker lentil chili

Suitcase upper body workout

Salsa dancing - The Left Turn

Bodyweight legs + glutes

The weight of the world

Breathing + COVID-19 

No jump HIIT workout

Quarantine Creativity


Now is as good a time as any to be mindful of getting in enough of the immune-boosting vitamins + minerals.

I'm excited to announce the launch of my Immune Support Meal Plan! I created this meal plan by focusing on balancing not just macros (protein, fats, and carbs), but also made sure that each day has plenty of zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E.

The plan happens to be gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegetarian too. Oh, and I've worked leftovers in so you're not cooking 3 meals everyday.

You'll get 2 copies instantly - 1 regular one with all the mouth-watering pictures, and 1 text-only so you're not cursing me out as you run out of color ink. ;-)

What else do you get? The 7-day meal plan plus grocery list and all recipes.

So whether you're having trouble getting your hands on your usual immune-boosting supplements or just prefer to get the goods through tasty meals instead, this plan will have you covered.


Black Bean Chili Stuffed Sweet Potatoes


Who doesn’t need a delicious, balanced, warming side dish or entree in the heart of winter?

The kids are off for winter break next week. While this brings a different level of (beautiful) chaos, it also means we can do a little more cooking and baking as after-school activities are cancelled and homework is pretty much non-existent. This chili-stuffed sweet potato recipe really hits the spot! It also happens to be gluten-free and dairy-free. Perfect for our family! Do you plan on trying this? Let me know what you think!



Black Bean Chili Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

(Serves 4)


  • 4 Sweet Potato (medium size)

  • 1 tbsp Organic Vegetable Broth

  • 1 Yellow Onion (chopped)

  • 1 Yellow Bell Pepper (chopped)

  • 2 Garlic (clove, minced)

  • 1 1/2 tbsps Chili Powder

  • 1 tsp Oregano

  • 1/2 tsp Cumin

  • 1 3/4 cups Black Beans (cooked, drained, rinsed)

  • 3/4 cup Tomato Sauce

  • 1/3 cup Water

  • 1/4 cup Cilantro (chopped)


  1. Preheat the oven to 400ºF (204ºC) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Poke a few fork holes in the sweet potatoes and place on the baking sheet. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes until cooked through.

  2. While the potatoes cook, in a medium-sized pot over medium heat, add the vegetable broth. Add the onion and bell pepper and sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, or until cooked through. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute more. Then add the chili powder, oregano and cumin. Stir to combine. Reduce the heat to low, and add the black beans, tomato sauce and water and cook for 6 to 8 minutes.

  3. Remove the sweet potatoes from the oven. Slice each one down the centre and stuff with the black bean chili. Top with cilantro. Serve and enjoy!

Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Ready for a new dessert recipe?

🎉🙌This recipe sounds weird but it is so delicious – you would never guess that it is made from chickpeas!

🍪😋 This cookie dough is safe to eat raw because it doesn’t contain eggs.

🥣🥄 You can eat this straight from the bowl with a spoon, or make cookie dough balls from it, and store in the fridge.

👩‍🍳🥜One of the things that’s awesome about this recipe (besides the fact it’s healthier and delicious) is that you can experiment with it to make it your own. 

Try swapping out the nut butter, adding some oats or flaxseed (start with ⅛ cup (12 g) and add more until you get the desired consistency) and using honey or coconut sugar instead of maple syrup. It’s so good!

🍪Chocolate Chip-Chickpea Cookie Dough 

(makes 4 servings) 


1 15-oz. (400 g) can of low sodium chickpeas, rinsed well and patted very dry
⅓ cup (80 g) natural almond or peanut butter (smooth, not crunchy)
¼ cup (60 ml) organic maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ tsp salt
⅓ cup (60 g) vegan chocolate chips


Place the first 5 ingredients in a food processor or high-speed blender and blend until well-mixed. Scrape into a bowl, and stir in the chocolate chips (option: melt the chips and stir in).

This will keep 3-4 days in the refrigerator, if it lasts that long!

Hope this finds its way into your life reeeeeally soon! ;-)



Family-Friendly Dinners + Sides: A collaboration - Part 1

Hey guys!

I’m excited to announce that Jackie from Moments of Musing and I are collaborating to bring you a 5-part series of healthified and QUICK (30 minutes or less) dinners and sides with the whole family in mind!

Give Jackie a follow on Facebook and Instagram and be sure to keep up with her beautiful and oh so relatable blog. She writes about a collection of her musings on motherhood, life + style, and positivity. Who doesn’t need more of that in their life?!





Did you want a free recipe book?

…because I made you a gift and I'd like to give it to you now...

Low Glycemic Anti-Inflammatory Recipes in 30 minutes or Less

That link above, it's a recipe book. And it happens to be gluten free, dairy free, and completely plant-based. Do I think you need to eat that way? NOPE! But these are some of my favs and they work for most people. ;-)

And if you want even MORE plant-based, gluten-free, healthified recipes, you’re gonna want my (also free) 3-Day Meal Plan designed to help balance blood sugar, improve fat loss, and keep those hangry cravings at bay. ;-) I gotcha covered! Here’s that meal plan!

In health + gratitude,


Cauliflower Falafel


Where are my use-cauliflower-for-everything people at? You’re gonna love this one!

Cauliflower Falafel

(Serves 1-2…let’s be honest, serves 1)


2 cups minced cauliflower

1 shallot, chopped

½ cup fresh parsley

¼ cup ground gluten-free oats or almond flour

1 medium egg

3 garlic cloves

4 tsp cumin

1 tsp turmeric

½ tsp chili powder

1 tsp sea salt

4 tbsp avocado or coconut oil


1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Add cauliflower to the high-speed blender or food processor and pulse until minced. Remove and set aside.

3A. If using oat flour, place oats in a high-speed blender or food processor and pulse until ground into flour.

3B. If not using oat flour, place almond flour in the food processor/blender along with all other ingredients EXCEPT cauliflower and oil. Blend until well-mixed. Add the cauliflower and pulse until combined.

4. Form the falafel dough into balls measuring around 2 inches. Brush each with olive oil and place in the oven for 20 minutes.

5. Remove from the oven and carefully turn the balls over and bake for another 20 minutes.

6. While they’re baking, make this simple dipping sauce: Combine ½ cup hummus, 2 tbsp lemon juice and 1 tsp of dried dill. Add salt to taste. Stir well and then refrigerate.

7. When the falafel are ready, serve with the dipping sauce.



P.S. Would you like some more plant-based, gluten-free, DELICIOUS recipes? Grab my FREE e-cookbook right here!