Grain-free Bagels

Let's celebrate today with a healthier version of a NYer's favorite…BAGELS!

Being gluten-free is a lifestyle I've gotten pretty used to over the past 2 years, but bagels are just one of those things that seemed to be missing.  

We've purchased some gluten-free bagels, but they're never as healthy as I wish they were and ALWAYS more expensive than I'd like.

So, I've been on a secret mission to make my own version!  This recipe is gluten-free, dairy-free, and doesn't even contain any grains!  That makes these low on the glycemic index and higher in protein & fiber.  They freeze nicely, too - so you can double or triple the recipe and save lots of time.  They are delicious as is, and even better when you toast them up and add your favorite spreads.

Grain-Free Bagels
(Makes 6 bagels)


1.5 cups almond flour
5 eggs, large
1/4 cup ground flaxseeds
2T apple cider vinegar (trust me)
1 T coconut flour
1 T topping of choice (poppy or sesame seeds, caraway seeds, etc.)
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt (plus extra for additional topping, if desired)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
2. In a large bowl, mix all dry ingredients
3. Mix in vinegar and eggs until well-combined
4. Place batter in a large ziplock and cut one corner off the bottom (this helps to make the bagel shape)
5. Pipe batter into bagel shape onto greased baking sheet.  For best results, place a round, oven-proof THING inside the middle to maintain the hole.  Small ramekin bowls work well.  Be sure to grease those as well.
6. Top bagels with any toppings you'd like to use.
7. Bake for 20-25 minutes (or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean and the top is golden-brown.
8. Allow bagels to cool completely before removing from pan.  

***I now use a silicone doughnut mold and it makes this recipe so much easier!


In good health,


P.S. Would you like MORE from me?  MORE healthy recipes, MORE workouts, MORE videos, free challenges, raffles, etc.?  Come hang out with us in my private (free) Facebook group - Lean In with Tara Allen Health - where I share daily posts to help you lead your healthiest life!  Can't wait to see you there.  :-)

Will your weight loss and maintenance be THIS HARD forever?!

Hello there, internet friends!  

You ask...I answer.

As a health nerd, you can probably imagine that I get asked lots and lots of questions everyday...from friends, family members, clients, social media peeps, etc.  I do my best to answer them all because I believe your journey is important and I'd like to help you feel empowered to make the changes you're after.  

Many of these questions are verrrrrry similar, if not downright the same - verbatim.  THESE kinds of questions jump out to me as things I would like to address here for you.  If so many of you are concerned with the same topic, it's worth doin' a blog post for!

Weight loss is something so many of you are chasing.  It can be intimidating, daunting, defeating.  It can be a buzzing that's always in the background.  It can also be liberating when done right - healthfully and sustainably!  And yet, you want to know how long you'll have to pour what seems like every waking breath thinking about your food, your social plans, when you're going to workout, etc.

Watch this video I did a few days ago to answer your question: Will my weight loss and maintenance be THIS HARD forever?!.

Spoiler alert>>> It won't.  ;-)

What the heck does my one-on-one coaching do?

Hello inter-web friends!

Two nights ago I attended an amazing event to raise money for research into natural cancer cures.  This event was to celebrate the Iron Moms that were nominated here on Long Island, NY.  I discovered what an Iron Mom is - a woman that puts health, nutrition, and fitness at the top of the priority list for herself, her family, and her community.  An Iron Mom gives back, volunteers, and feels lit up about the tireless work she's tackling to make a difference.  An Iron Mom often has overcome adversity, health struggles, and has seen the light of day.  It was a massive honor to be in the company of such amazing women.  If you were there, you know what I mean.  

In preparation for my speech, I was taking a little inventory on what it is I actually do day in and day out.  And I realized...that I have NEVER shared a sneak peak into my private one-on-one coaching program, Pioneer Nutrition and Fitness Coaching.  Hmm.  Well, I'm changing that today! You should know I can help you.  You should know I work virtually, so geographic location is not a barrier for us working together.  You should also know that each and every one of my clients is a partner of mine - a partner in our journey towards the healthiest, happiest, most confident version of themselves.  

Watch the video for more details and recent results from current clients.

I can help you break the dieting cycle.  Shoot me a note here if you have any questions.

Healthy Freezer Fudge

Hey there!

Come on in a little closer.  Tell me, do you ever have cravings for chocolate?!

Yeah...most of us do!

A few days ago here in New York, the whole family was 'stuck' at home in a big Spring snowstorm and it was both awesome and HECTIC.  You mamas out there know what I mean!

So, in search of both an activity to do with the kiddos AND a healthy snack that would feel like a complete indulgence for all of us, we gathered together and made Healthy Freezer Fudge...without a recipe.  


This non-recipe "recipe" is sooooo easy and requires only 4 ingredients.  It's pretty hard to mess up.

Watch the video for more details and to get a peak into the hecticness and cuteness I referred to above.  ;-)

Now it's your turn to tell me - what's your go-to snack or dessert when you're stuck in the house all day?


In good health,


I have PCOS and autoimmune issues...

A few days ago, I did a totally different kind of live video....I turned the lens on MYSELF!  

I get different versions of the same question from you guys A LOT.  It's something like, "Where are you at on YOUR health journey?" or, "How do you have the motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle?", or even sometimes, "You don't know what it's like to be unhealthy like me!"

So, I set up my iphone, took a seat, and spoke from the heart....for almost an HOUR!  It's raw, it's real, and it's me.  I take you through my PCOS journey, autoimmune issues, blood sugar issues, infertility and IVF, and share what I'm doing to combat these issues holistically.

Thank you for watching and if you're going through your own health struggles, please leave me a comment or email me at  I want you to know I read every one myself and I want you to know you're NOT alone!

In (search of) good health,


Zucchini Muffins

Hello there,

Are we connected on facebook or instagram yet?  If so, you might've seen a recent post in which I shared how much I LOVE the fact that muffins freeze well.  This is our go-to dessert that we bring with us when we want the kids to partake in a dessert that their little bodies will be happy about.  I often make huge batches and freeze them.  They'll last a few months in the freezer, but ours never make it that long.  ;-)

I often make different types of muffins depending on what we have on hand or what the kids are asking for.  But, these zucchini muffins have been a HUGE winner amongst all members of our family for quite some time.

I've shared this recipe in my newsletter before, but since some of you are new to this blog and my newsletter, I figured it was time to share it again (plus, I was asked to)!  

If you would like to receive my future newsletters with more healthy recipes, workouts, weight loss and health tips, sign up here and grab your free gift all about Debunking Calorie Counting (there IS a better way...I promise!).  :-)

And, if you really want to be in the loop, consider joining my private facebook group, Lean In with Tara Allen Health, as well.  It is a community of like-minded ladies looking to upgrade their health choices on a daily basis.  Every week comes with a new challenge to participate in, a healthified recipe, full-body workouts, and video trainings on weight loss and wellness topics.  Come hang out with us!

Ok...on to the recipe!  This one is gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, and has no refined sugar.

***Please note, this recipe makes 10-12 muffins due to variables like the freshness (and juiciness) of the zucchinis and the size of the bananas.


Zucchini Muffins

(Makes 10-12 muffins)



  • 3 eggs
  • 1 large banana, ripe
  • 1 cup unpeeled zucchini, shredded 
  • 1/4 cup honey


  • 1.5 cups almond flour
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  3. Blend wet ingredients together in a blender.
  4. Pour wet ingredients into bowl with dry and mix well.
  5. Fill muffin liners 2/3 full in muffin pan.
  6. Bake 20 minutes (or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean)

Hope your family enjoys these as much as my family does!

In good health,


It was V-Day...did you love yo'self?!

Ahhhh....Valentine's Day.  People seem to love it or hate it.  How about you?  Did you enjoy this Hallmark-created holiday this year?

I think if we all took a step back and saw the holiday as one day a year that we can be EXTRA grateful for any & all love we have in our lives, we might look at it differently.  Specifically, are you loving yourself?

Self-care and self-love often brings up images of hippy-dippy peeps or candlelit bubble baths that are nearly impossible to pull off between when the last kid falls asleep and the first kid to wake up for a feeding....or teething....or nightmares.

But, that's just one teeny tiny aspect of self-care and self-love.  Let's talk about the big picture.  Check out my latest video all about self-love mentality...

So...whatdya say?  Ready to fall in love with yourself again?  Hope you have a nice, lonnnnnnng weekend!

In good health,


What is the MICROBIOME and why it matters for weight loss and health

Microbiome.  Gut health.  The second brain.  These are buzz words lately...and they're NOT going away!  If you ever wondered what it's all about and whether or not the microbiome is being hyped (it's not), check out this video.  Giving your insides a bit of your attention can pay off BIG TIME for your wellness and weight loss journey.

And, if you could use a bit of a jump-start with said wellness and weight loss journey, check out the details for my next 10-Day Healthy New You Reset.  Early-bird pricing is available NOW!  ;-)

Find out more right here.

EATING MORE for weight loss

January is almost over!

How are those resolutions coming along?

I recorded a video LIVE on facebook last week that may help you with your weight loss goals AND hunger pangs.  We got into macros, portion sizes, quality foods, and how to ADD more food into your day while crowding out the junk.  This won't just help your waistline, it will help improve your overall health!

Happy Saturday,


EIGHTEEN pounds in 10 days!

Remember that Healthy New You Reset?

She lost 18 pounds in 10 days!

I'm sharing a screenshot of one client's results because, well, I'm proud of her, she said I could, and… I'm proud of her!  ;-)



The results across the board were incredibly impressive.  Women who decided to take their own health & happiness into their hands to start out 2018 with lots of inspired momentum did just that!  There were many pounds lost, sugar cravings kicked, energy levels boosted, glowing skin complements, headaches lessened, and digestive issues fixed. 

Here's what you've been asking me…when can I do this reset?!

Not to worry… I will be running this again soon.  Stay tuned.  If you're super-duper interested, shoot me an email and let me know.  I have a running list of people to make sure I check-in with before I run the reset again.


In good health,


You're Invited: Kitchen Clean-Out


You're invited: Join the (free) kitchen clean-out challenge

Why wait until Spring to start your cleaning?! 

Fact #1: If you bring something UNHEALTHY into the home, it will be eaten by you or someone you love.

Fact #2: If you bring something HEALTHY into the home, it will also be eaten by you or someone you love.

We're coming up on the 4th week of 2018...let's wipe the slate clean!

  • Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to go through your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator.
  • This challenge will be held (for FREE) inside my Facebook group, Lean In with Tara Allen Health.
  • We will start on Monday, but you have all week to get 'er done!

Will this be helpful for you?  Come join the group!

In good health,

Baked Sweet Potatoes with Hummus


Baked Sweet Potatoes with Hummus (Servings 4)



• 4 sweet potatoes

• 2 tablespoons sea salt

• 1-2 cups baby kale leaves 

• ½ teaspoon dried chili flakes 

• 1 tablespoon + 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil 

• Sea salt and cracked black pepper 

• 1 sweet onion, chopped

• 1 cup hummus



1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 

2. Place the sweet potatoes on an baking sheet, pierce a few times with a fork and rub with salt. Bake for 60-70 minutes, or until cooked. 

3. While the sweet potatoes are cooking, place the kale, chili, oil salt and pepper on a baking sheet with parchment paper and toss to combine. Cook for 8–10 minutes or until golden. Set aside.

4. Heat a sauté pan to medium-high heat.  Add 1 tsp. of olive oil and add chopped onions.  Sauté until golden brown.  (about 15-18 minutes)

5. Cut the sweet potatoes in half, and top with the hummus, caramelized onion and crispy kale to serve.

If your family is anything like mine, hummus is an entire food group!  Sometimes homemade, usually store bought (because...time saver), but no matter what, there's always a shelf in the fridge dedicated just to our hummus.  An occasional container of salsa, dressing, or dip might try to sneak up there with the hummus, but that usually doesn't last long.

So, why not pair something warm, sweet, delicious, and colorful like sweet potatoes with one of the only foods that every person in our household eats?!

If you try the Baked Sweet Potatoes with Hummus recipe, drop a comment and let us know what you think!


In good health,



P.S. If you are enjoying these recipes and are looking for more delicious plant-based & gluten-free options, make sure to sign up for my email list!  I will hook you up.  ;-)

You can sign up right on my homepage at

Amazing Stuffed Mushrooms

Somewhere around this time every year - the first week of January - it's like my body is ready to be done with the cookies and wine and wants REAL food.  I used to be left with sugar cravings after the holidays, but ever since practicing my own Reset (such as the 10-Day Healthy New You Reset starting this Monday), I've learned how to quickly bounce back and give my body more of what it needs (balance!) so it stops yelling at me to feed it more sweets.  :-)

So, here we are in the first week of January and, once again, I was craving something substantial.  REAL food. A meal. Substance. 

I thought you might be as well.  Or, at least, you might benefit from the real food to help quiet your own post-holiday cravings!

If you plan on making this vegan & gluten-free dish, drop a comment and let me know!  I enjoy hearing from you!

Amazing Stuffed Mushrooms (Serves 4-8)


  • 1.5 lbs mushrooms (you can use baby portobellos, cremini, or button)
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley, roughly chopped
  • 1 small red bell pepper, finely chopped (reserve a little extra for serving)
  • 1 shallot, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes, diced
  • 3/4 cup walnuts, chopped
  • 1 cup baby spinach, chopped
  • sea salt & pepper, to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Remove mushroom stems (and set aside for later). Brush mushrooms with a little olive oil, place (stem side up) on baking sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes.
  3. In a saute pan over medium-high heat, add 1 T of olive oil.  Saute the shallots, bell pepper, garlic, and sun-dried tomatoes for about 3 minutes - until they start to get tender.  
  4. Add in the parsley, finely chopped mushroom stems, and chopped walnuts, cook another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Add in chopped spinach until it wilts.  Add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Remove mushrooms from the oven, pour off any water that accumulated in the mushrooms.
  7. Spoon the sauteed filling into the mushrooms and bake for an additional 10-12 minutes.
  8. Top with fresh, raw, diced red bell peppers and serve warm.

If you enjoy trying new healthified, gluten-free & vegetarian recipes, sign up for my newsletter so you can receive them straight to your inbox. :-)

Hope you enjoy!

In good health,


Maple Sea Salt Fudge

Hey there,

Ready for the holidays yet?  Me neither!

If you are new to my site, I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to join my free newsletter list. My newsletter is where I share SO MANY more of my healthified recipes and wellness tips to get you healthy, fit, and strong! It’s a one-stop shop. ;-)

And while you’re at it, you might as well join my private facebook group, Lean In with Tara Allen Health, too! Inside you’ll find weekly challenges to optimize your body and mind, more recipes, and fun fitness Fridays.

Alrighty, so what if you had one more, quick & easy, healthy, NO BAKE dessert recipe in your arsenal to have at your fingertips for the remainder of the parties and gatherings?  

I love to have some desserts in the freezer - especially this time of year!  This helps cut back on the last-minute prep stress and means that if someone stops by last minute or we're running out and want the kids to be able to partake in dessert too, we have some options on hand.

This Maple Sea Salt Fudge is sooooooo satisfying!  It's delicious and festive, plus it's full of protein and healthy fats to help keep you from devouring the cookie platters you just worked so hard to create.  :-)

<< These are gluten free, dairy free, vegan, and paleo>>

Don't they LOOK amazing too?!


Maple Sea Salt Fudge


1 cup almond butter

1/2 cup cashew butter

1/2 cup coconut oil (melted then cooled to room temp.)

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

1.5 tsp pure vanilla extract

1 tsp sea salt (optional: extra for garnish)



1. In a large bowl, mix together nut butters, maple syrup, and coconut oil.

2. Mix in vanilla and sea salt.

3. Line a cake pan (8X8 works well) with parchment paper.

4. Spread mixture evenly into cake pan.  

5. Optional: Garnish with sea salt.

6. Place in freezer for 1-2 hours.

7. Cut into squares (using a warm knife). Place remaining squares back into the freezer to store.


Let me know if you try these! 


In holiday cheer and good health,


Holiday Spiced Sugar Cookies

Hey you,

It wouldn't be a holiday season without using our favorite cookie cutters or making a complete flour-y mess of the kitchen floor with the kiddos, would it? ;-)

These Holiday Spiced Sugar Cookies will hit the spot!  They are doughy / soft and just a bit sweet...nothing that will send you into that sugar craving downward spiral.  Bring them along to your next holiday party or cookie exchange....and double the batch to keep some extras at home!

<<These are gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free, and soy free.>>

In Joy and Health,



Holiday Spiced Sugar Cookies


2.5 cups almond flour

¼ cup honey

1 large egg

1.5 T coconut oil

½ tsp pure almond extract

½ tsp baking soda

½ tsp sea salt

½ tsp ginger

½ tsp nutmeg

½ tsp cinnamon

coconut flour (for rolling out and dusting)



1.    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2.    Mix all ingredients in a food processor, mixer, or by hand.

3.    Flatten dough to about 1/3 – ½ inch thickness.  Cover and allow to cool in fridge for 30 minutes.

4.    Place dough between wax paper, sprinkle with coconut flour, and roll out with a rolling pin.

5.    Dust again with coconut flour before using cookie cutters.

6.    Collect “scraps” and repeat steps 4 & 5 until all dough is used.

7.    Place cookies on a baking sheet greased with coconut oil or lined with parchment paper.

8.    Decorate as desired or leave cookies plain.

9.    Bake 7-10 minutes (until edges start to turn golden-brown).

Almond Coconut Bliss Balls


It's December 3rd.  Yup.  Go check, I'll wait.


Well, sometimes you need a break from the fancy-schmancy cookies and pies that turn your kitchen upside down and your floors into a flour skating rink.

I feel ya.

Try these Almond Coconut Bliss Balls!

These are a delicious snack or dessert and require NO BAKING!  They come together quickly, so they work wonders when you're in a pinch and need to bring something sweet to your office potluck, your next holiday party, or just to have something on hand for out-of-towners.

<<<These are gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, soy-free, grain-free, no refined sugar, vegan>>>


In good health,



Almond Coconut Bliss Balls



1 cup coconut flakes (unsweetened)

½ cup almond flour

2 T honey

2T coconut oil

1 tsp pure almond extract

½ tsp cinnamon



1.    Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.

2.    Refrigerate for 30 minutes to harden.

3.    Roll into balls (approximately 1 T each).

4.    Place in freezer on a wax paper covered plate for at least 1 hour.

5.    Keep in container in freezer or refrigerator and serve cold (will melt if left out too long).

THE Chocolate Chip Cookie

Hey all,

How was your Thanksgiving?  We had a great time making memories, eating food, seeing family...ya know, checking all the boxes.  ;-)

Truth be told, Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday.  I don't eat turkey or go to the parade. I can't even have most of the desserts anymore with my food sensitivities.  BUT, a holiday that we've turned into counting our blessings that also gives us a 4-day weekend together and marks the beginning of the Christmas / New Year's festivities?  Now that's what I'm talking about!

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, then I hope you saw my post yesterday where I thanked YOU for being in my life.  The support, comments, emojis, questions, and presence I feel and get from you is what makes everything I do so much fun.  If I know you are making and enjoying the recipes I create, I will keep 'em coming!  When I hear that my workouts helped you get healthy, lean, & strong, they'll be more where those came from.  Every message and email where you allow me to step into your world for a moment by sharing something about your health journey is a blessing.  And for that, I'm thankful.

Enough of the sentimental stuff, right?!  You want this recipe!

The chocolate chip cookie is such a staple this time of year during parties, gatherings, and cookie exchanges.  Heck, even Santa stops to nibble as he's stuffing presents under the tree and navigating our chimneys and all.  

This year I set out to create the perfect chocolate chip cookie for my family (and maybe yours?).  It needed to be gluten and dairy free.  No refined sugar.  And, as we came to find out, no coconut oil if I wanted my husband to like them too (and I did!).

So, after countless attempts and notes and crumb-filled counters, I think I nailed it!  Based on the speed at which these disappear, even amongst those that swear they don't eat anything 'healthy', I'd say they pass the test.  

I hope you and your family agree.

Do you plan to make these?  Please let me know!  Share a picture on Facebook or Instagram and tag me!  It would make my day.  :-)

In health and holiday cheer,



THE Chocolate Chip Cookie

Makes 36 cookies (plus an extra nibble of the raw cookie dough)



4 cups almond flour

1-cup chocolate chips (choose carefully… or make your own)

1 tsp. baking soda

½ tsp. sea salt

¼ tsp. ginger


½ cup avocado oil

1/3-cup maple syrup

4 tsp. vanilla



1.    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2.    In a large bowl, mix dry ingredients together.

3.    Add wet ingredients to dry and mix until well combined.

4.    Place tablespoon-sized balls onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

5.    Use hands to flatten balls to make cookie shape (these cookies will not change shape much at all when baking).

6.    Bake for 12 minutes (edges should look golden-brown).


***These are gluten free, dairy free, egg free, vegan, grain free, and contain no refined sugar!

Crustless Pumpkin Pie... and a Thanksgiving Travel Workout

Thankful and Grateful...

I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for signing up for being part of my community here on the inter-webs.  I look forward to creating even more recipes, workouts, videos, and all-things-womens-health moving forward….so that I can share it all with you!

If you're hosting on Thanksgiving this year, or maybe just want to bring along a dessert that you know you'll enjoy, this Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe will hit the spot!  Best of all, it's gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and contains no refined sugar.  If you or any of your friends or family are avoiding these categories of food for health reasons, you'll be the hit of the party for serving (or bringing) a dessert that they can have.  :-)

Check out my Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe here.


Are you traveling this holiday season?

Did you catch my video that includes a quick & easy full-body workout? It's perfect for hotel rooms or extended family's bathrooms…whichever!  ;-)

You can watch that right here.

Cheers to a peaceful, laughter-filled holiday!

In health and gratitude,

You're Invited: 25 Tips to Stay Healthy During Holiday Travel

With Thanksgiving Day right around the corner (11 days away, to be exact), many people are finalizing plans to hit the road via plane, train, automobile, or all of the above to visit loved ones and tolerated ones alike.  :-)

Many of my clients tell me it's the hustle and bustle and travel of the holiday season that sets them back further than the actual holidays themselves when it comes to their health goals. Can you relate?  Me too!

Eat Real Food.JPG

So, I have put something together for you!

Starting tomorrow, inside my private community on Facebook, we will be taking the whole week to talk about ways to stay on track while you make your rounds this holiday season.

To get in on the fun, join this (FREE) group of awesome ladies that are striving to take better care of themselves and their families.

Hope to see you inside the group!

In good health,


Lentil - Veggie Soup

When does soup season officially start in your household?  My car said it was 45 degrees outside yesterday morning when I was up and out early.  Commence souping!  

I've been focusing on natural immunity boosting this past week with my private Facebook community, Lean In with Tara Allen Health.  The omnipresent echo of late October sniffles always seem to inspire my most nurturing of recipes.  Besides the winning ingredients (garlic, spices, plants, protein) in this next recipe, the fact that it is a soup - a hot liquid - will be key in helping to fight off some germs.  When we bring a mug of something nice and hot close to our face (no burning yourself though, deal?!), the steam helps to kill off those pesky buggers that like to hang out in our nostrils and cause head colds.  So, take your time with your soup or tea or coffee and try to inhale as you canoodle with your warm cup of ANYthing. :-)

Here's a soup recipe that I happen to love.  I wanted something warming, hearty, plant-based, and free of dairy and gluten so my whole family could partake.  If it passes that taste-test for your family, make it in large batches next time around and freeze some so if/when you ARE feeling under the weather, you have this on the ready and don't even have to worry about cooking.

Lentil-Veggie Soup Immunity.jpg

***Lentil-Veggie Soup***




1 pound lentils, rinsed

2 quarts broth (chicken, veggie, whatever)

1 cup onion, chopped

1 cup tomatoes, chopped

1/2 cup celery, chopped

1/2 cup carrots, chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced

3 T olive oil

2 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp chili powder




1. Pour olive oil in bottom of large saucepan on stovetop (medium heat).

2. Add carrots, celery, onion, and garlic, and cook about 5 minutes (onions should become slightly translucent).

3. Add all remaining ingredients.

4. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low.

5. Cook an additional 30-35 minutes on low.

6. Serve as is for a chunkier consistency.  Or, use an immersion blender (or transfer to a blender in batches) for a smoother consistency (picky toddlers, anyone?). ;-)

7. Freeze any leftovers that won't be eaten over the next few days.