
Are you a longevity nerd like me??

Do you geek out on all things health?

Me too! But... sometimes it feels like a never-ending mountain to climb with all of the recommendations and goals we have, right?

Where to begin? I discuss this in my latest (3 min.) video.

We’re never too advanced for the foundations! And the foundations (like nutrition, exercise, sleep, mindset ...) will be your biggest needle-movers! It’s why these things come first in my 1-on-1 coaching program ... with the Longevity Phase of the program at the end. 😉

But what if you’re already doing the foundations well and CONSISTENTLY? You’ve conquered healthy body composition goals, you move your body daily, you have a great relationship with food and your body, you’re sleeping well, and you have noticed a shift in your mindset / emotional resilience ....?

What’s next??

Well, the foundations forever! Seriously. 😜 And then some fun, more detail-oriented longevity-focused habits, tweaks, and experiences.

I talk up on my stories on Instagram a lot about breathwork, meditation, supplements, hot / cold, fasting, dry brushing, oil pulling, homemade charcoal toothpaste, natural products, mTOR, AMPK, mitochondrial health, grounding, 4th phase water, autophagy, apoptosis, circadian rhythm setting, etc. If that’s your jam too, set aside an hour or two each day to watch my stories. (Kidding! But they CAN get long sometimes. 😂😂)

And while I will be sticking to a lot of the foundations on my social media pages and right here in my newsletter because I believe strongly that it’s what is most helpful and most necessary, if you want me to include some more of this content here as well, let me know with a quick reply!

Please note: I do not represent any other brand but my own at this time. None of my posts or stories are sponsored. Could that change in the future? Maybe! But it will have to feel just right as a partnership for me to agree to it and so far, I haven’t had that feeling with any of the offers. 🤷‍♀️

So ... foundations first and most. Then room for the cherries on top. ;-). That's my take. What's yours?


Intuitive eaters vs. "fit pros"

Intuition? Scientific research? Which *should* be dictating our nutrition?

Both sides are a little wrong ... and a little right, in my opinion. Intuitive eating and the body positivity movement is BEAUTIFUL. And there’s much that can learned from scientific research and professionals on the other side of the spectrum. But until we can blend the two, we’re going to have a society full of people debating their way in the opposite direction of the deep health and vitality they’re actually after.

We learn. We practice. We build skills. And then we allow it to just become part of who we are. It gets more intuitive over time! Naturally. When we go at it with the right intentions in the first place.

It’s not a certain look you’re after. It’s the way you believe that look will make you feel (full of energy and life, confident, capable, strong, sexy). It allllll boils down to love and acceptance, if ya wanna get deep here. 😉 So if we skip the obsession with looks and focus on that health + vibrancy, we have this new North Star that never steers us wrong.



P.S. If you need some help navigating this middle ground approach as you strive for optimal health, leave a comment below and let's chat about where you're at and where you'd like to go. :-)

Brain "reps"

What are "brain reps"?

Most people understand that in order to getting stronger physically, they will need to put in some work. Or, do the reps. No one is walking around saying they were born with a certain amount of strength and they can't improve it. That's silly, right?! We *know* strength can be improved in proportion to the amount you are challenging your muscles.

So why is it that many people think their mindset is fixed? Many people believe they were born with a low tolerance to be able to handle stress or a glass-half-empty attitude. But that's simply an underworked mind. Our mental and emotional strength + resilience will improve with 'more reps' just like our muscles do.

CHECK OUT THE LATEST VIDEO here (and please excuse the mention of Monday as this was recorded and shared with social media prior).

Why is this incredibly important? Well without mental and emotional strength + resilience, you will find yourself falling victim to any and all excuses, giving up easily, waiting for. motivation to show up, annoyed by the littlest things, seeking out vices (like extra food, alcohol, staying up too late) in an attempt to self-soothe, etc. Powerful stuff, right? It's the reason I focus so much on the the mindset piece with my clients. It's simply not addressed out there with other programs or coaches and it's why other things don't 'stick'.

Questions? Comments? I'd love to hear 'em!

Happy day,

You are too comfortable!

Are you too comfortable?

Ever think, "I'm ALWAYS putting myself LAST!"?? I'd like to invite you to think of that in a different way. Now, I'll warn you, THIS VIDEO is a bit tough love (with an emphasis on love). So if you're already having a day, maybe watch this one later. ;-)

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Let me know if this resonates at all.

Happy day,

Anxiety + your breath

Anxiety + your breath.

What is the connection, if any? Recorded a quick video about this on a recent run. So, don't mind my own breathlessness ;-) and CHECK OUT THE VIDEO HERE.

Our breath signals things to our brain, and our state of mind alters our breath. We have “top down” feedback loops as well as “bottom up”. Pretty incredible, intricate systems that are constantly working to try to keep us in a state of homeostasis.

What this means is that not only can anxiety change our breathing, but the way we breathe can also INDUCE or REDUCE feelings of anxiety. 🤯

Generally speaking, we want to be
1️⃣ breathing more slowly (less breaths per minute),
2️⃣ more deeply (we are rewarded with better gas exchange due to increased blood perfusion towards the bottom of our lungs), and
3️⃣ nasally (in AND out through our nose).

Just because we can breathe continuously on autopilot (thank you, nervous system 🙏🏼), it doesn’t mean that’s optimal. Taking a minute or 2 (or 5 or 10) a day to practice breathing is all you need to start to be more intentional and feel confident in this powerful tool you’ll have at-the-ready in times of need.

Do you have a breathwork practice? If not, do you plan to start playing with ventilation and respiration?

Testing my Blood Sugar...

IN THIS VIDEO I am doing something I only do every once in a while these days ... checking my blood sugar.

One of the ways I was able to reverse my PCOS and prediabetes was by testing my blood sugar very often several years ago when I first learned of my metabolic issues. In doing so, I was able to gather such useful information to help me figure out what my body needed (and what it didn't!) in order to optimize.

I don't believe everyone needs to be checking their blood sugar regularly at home, but if you or someone you know is having signs of -- or diagnosed -- metabolic conditions, this might be a very helpful step for you to consider. I'm not a doc, so I have to tell you to check with your doctor first ;-) or simply purchase one over the counter and study up on it.

Metabolic conditions may include or show signs such as PCOS, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, hanger, intense sugar cravings, frequent night wakings (we often think it's because we need to pee, but it's common for it to be blood sugar fluctuations that actually wake us up. And once we're up, we feel the need to pee.)

Questions? Always happy to answer!

Happy day,

Fat Loss MUST be slow. Here's why.

Fat loss HAS to happen slowly. Here's why...

I know we want it to happen quickly. I know we hear things like, "I lost 5 pounds the first week of doing keto." and assume those 5 pounds came from rapid FAT loss (it doesn't). But there's actually a limit to the amount of body fat we can lose per day per person (it varies from person to person).

Restrict your energy intake more than that point and you'll be eating away at your muscles instead.... which will lower your metabolic rate. YUCK!

Here are 3 reasons fat loss MUST happen slowly.

As always, if you have any questions you can hit 'reply' to this email. I'm happy to help!


P.S. Check out these awesome client success stories squished inside of 27 seconds. ;-)

An ENJOYABLE health journey? Yup. For real.

It doesn't have to suck.

The journey, that is.

We don't have to be miserable "until _____". You've heard this before, right? Maybe you've even said this before?

I'll be happy when _______.
When I lose 20 pounds.
When I get that job.
When I get married.
When I get divorced.
When I have a baby.
When I can do a pull-up.

When everything is perfect.

But nothing is ever perfect and because we are these amazingly complex individuals who always have new goals on the horizon, it's important that we learn how to be happy now. How to enjoy the riiiiiiiide.

CHECK OUT THIS QUICK VIDEO for 3 ways you can make your health transformation journey more enjoyable right NOW.

I'm just BETTER when I'm enjoying myself. You too?

Hope you're making it a great week!


Controlling ONLY the controllable

Here's the biggest mistake I see people make on their health journey...

They focus on trying to control that which they can't, and hardly spend time controlling that which they CAN!

For example, no one can control what the scale will say and when. No one can control how your body will look at various stages of the process. And you certainly cannot control every bit of your moods, emotions, or motivation.

But that's totallyyyyyyy fine. Ya know why? Because those aren't the things that move the needle anyway. Stay in your lane, control ONLY what is controllable, and you'll get the results you are after.

CHECK OUT THE VIDEO below for more.

Hope you're having a great start to your week!


Coaching demo!

Tara + "Sara" ... a coaching conversation.

Today, "we" are demonstrating the S.T.E.A.R. Cycle that we chatted about in last week's newsletter. Don't worry if you don't know what I'm talking about -- I give a quick recap in THIS WEEK'S VIDEO.

Any questions? Want to run through a cycle or 2 with me as a sounding board? I'm here! Leave a comment below or email me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com :-)

Enjoy the day,

The S.T.E.A.R. Cycle

What if you had a trick to improve your MENTAL GAME so your health transformations would be more successful?

Enter.... The S.T.E.A.R Cycle. CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO to learn more about what it is. Stay tuned for next week's newsletter where I'll share a little role-play between "Sara" and me to show you how it plays out with old thought patterns and the new ones we're looking to replace them with.

Questions for me? Feel stuck? I'm an email reply away and will get back to you shortly. Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Happy day,

Does protein burn more calories?

Technically, it does! CHECK OUT THIS QUICK VIDEO where I explain the "Thermic Effect of Food" -- basically, how many calories it takes to digest each type of food we eat. You might be shocked at how different it is between the various macronutrients (fat, carbs, and protein).

And of course, if you have any questions or need some help with your own customized portions, I'm an email reply away. ;-)

Happy day

Your metabolism isn't broken!

Your metabolism isn't broken...or too slow.

You see, your metabolism is ALWAYS exactly what it needs to be. It's a survival thing. So if you don't require much fuel before you'd start to store it as excess fat, there's a reason for that.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO if you've ever believed that your metabolism was broken... or even a little disheveled.

Questions? Comments? Need some help or guidance? I'm a simple email reply away. ;-)

Happy day,


Fat loss: 6 things you don't need to try...

Fat loss: 6 things you DO NOT need to try...

...and the 3 things you DO!

Check out my latest video all about this topic. I kept it short this time... 3 or 4 minutes. ;-) Let me know what you think about this format by commenting on this post. I appreciate any and all feedback!

Lots of love,

Frustrated with weight loss?

Has your weight loss progress (or lack thereof) frustrated you?

And let me add ... it doesn't have to be weight / fat loss. Sub any other health goal.

Oh, and one more thing ;-) .... when I say weight / fat loss, I am hardly EVER talking about looks here. Sometimes our brains do this thing where they make short-cuts (read: assumptions) because it's a conditioned response. So many people equate weight loss to looks exclusively and therefore you might mistake my information or videos for being 'one of them'. I'll tell you what ... our looks are the LEAST interesting thing about us, in my opinion. But that doesn't mean we can't talk about weight or fat loss. Some people seek out those goals to optimizer their health, feel vibrant, have more energy, etc. It's all about the way we FEEL so we can show up as the best version of ourselves.

So, I challenge you to notice where you might have these pre-judgments happening. Do you tune out weight loss because you're so sick of diet culture and assume it's all about a quest to "get skinny"? I hear ya! But that's N E V E R what you're going to get here with me, FYI. ;-)

Last week, I discussed some big lessons that were missing from my childhood education and how they are such important aspects of our humanness. Try to lose weight, optimize health, flourish inside your relationships, or achieve ANY goal without this knowledge and I bet it feels like an uphill battle.

The best news is that as adults, we get to learn about this stuff now ... and teach the next generation!

Any questions? Need to vent? Wanna chat? Email me: Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Happy day,
Coach Tara

P.S. Want to meet my small business team?

The Show Must Go On

“Tara, why won’t you ‘pause’ my coaching program?”

I have thought long and hard about whether I want to offer coaching that ‘allows’ me to hit pause for a client when they’re:

  • going on vacation,

  • overwhelmed at work,

  • pregnant, breastfeeding, or just after delivery,

  • injured, or

  • caring for an ailing family member

For a client, the thought process boils down to:

If I miss some workouts, eat the wrong things, skip the homework… I fail.

Aren’t I more likely to succeed if I take a break, just until I have the time to do it right?

This is what is called the ‘pause-button mentality’.

Now, don’t get me wrong… I think it’s normal—even commendable—to want to do your best. I can understand wanting to take time to regroup and then resume (or start over) when life feels easier.

At the same time, this completely natural and well-meaning impulse is one of the fastest, surest, most reliable ways to sabotage your plans for improved nutrition, health, and fitness.

Here’s why—and what to do instead.

Starting fresh after you lose your way is a really comforting thought.

That’s probably why New Year’s resolutions are so popular, especially following the indulgence-fueled holiday season.

Give me that cheesecake. I’ll pick my diet back up on Monday!

In fact, I’ve learned in my experience with coaching that the idea of a do-over is so alluring you don’t even need a mess-up for the pause-button mentality to take over.

Let’s say I have a new client sign up with me in January. Very often, a few months later, clients will be ‘itching’ for a new beginning, even though they’re already making progress / changing their bodies and health.

If only you’d let me start over, I’d really nail it this time!

But here’s the problem: The pause-button mentality only builds the skill of pausing.

Whether it’s tomorrow, Monday, next week, or even next year, hitting that imaginary pause button gives you some sense of relief.

It allows you a little respite from what can be a really tough slog.

(And the middle is always a tough slog, it doesn’t matter what kind of project you’re working on.)

This perceived relief is compounded by the illusion that if we “start fresh” later we can find the magical “right time” to begin.

Listen, I get it.

It can feel absurd to try to improve your eating and exercise habits while you’re in the midst of chronic stress / looking for a job / starting a new job / going on vacation / caring for aging parents / raising small children.

That’s probably why there are so many 21-day this and 90-day that. What adult has more than 90 days to go after their fitness goals with an all-out effort?

But what do these intense fitness sprints teach you?

The skill of getting fit within a very short (and completely non-representative) period of your life.

What don’t they teach you?

The skill of getting fit (or staying fit) in the midst of a normal, complicated, “how it really is” sort of life.

This is why the yo-yo diet thing has become such a phenomenon.

It’s not about willpower. It’s about skills.

In most fitness scenarios, you learn how to get fit under weird, tightly-controlled, white-knuckled life situations.

You build that one, solitary, non-transferrable skill—to slam the gas pedal down, drive the needle into the red, and squeal down the road for a little while, burning the rubber off your tires until you (quickly) run out of gas and crash.

What you don’t build is the ability to get fit under real-life conditions. The beautiful, messy, chaotic life that we live.

That’s why it doesn’t stick. Not because you suck. But because the natural and predictable consequence of having a limited skill set is short-term progress followed immediately by long-term frustration.

What will be different next time?

I remember catching up with an old friend over coffee once who swore that her uber low-carb diet plus daily runs were the secret to getting in shape.

I followed up with a sobering question: “Well, why would you say you aren’t actually in shape?”

After a long pause: “Uhh, I’ve had a hard time sticking with it. With the new baby. And the holidays. I’m thinking of changing jobs.” She trailed off…

“But, once everything settles down, I’ll get with the program and get in shape again! I guess I’m just on a little break.”

This story illustrates the point perfectly.

Here’s someone who’s built her fitness on a house of cards. She knows only one thing: How to get in shape by following a very challenging program when the conditions are perfect.

And whenever life isn’t perfect, which is most of the time, she hits the pause button. She waits for a better time. (All the while losing the health and fitness she previously worked so hard for.)

That’s why, when my clients ask to press pause, I usually ask them:

“What will be different when you come back?”

Nine times out of 10, the honest answer is nothing. Nothing will be different.

Life is just… happening. And it’ll happen again in January, or after the baby is born, or after Mom gets better, or at any other arbitrary point you pick.

And what then?

I’ve wanted to press “pause” myself.

If you’ve ever felt like pressing pause, or you feel this way right now, it might help to know I’ve felt exactly the same way.

Many years ago, we had just had our 2nd baby. My husband was working out of state and commuting back and forth each day. We had just purchased a house across town that he was fixing up on weekends. There I was, alone with a 2 year old and a newborn nearly every minute of every day while running my business from home. I’ll tell ya what… there were plenty of moments that I wanted to hit the ‘pause’ buttons on my fitness and nutrition.

But after a couple of weeks (of feeling worse and worse) I realized that something was going to be better than nothing.

The renovations would continue. Running a business would only get more demanding. And newborns only get more demanding as they grow into toddlers! ;-)

I realized I couldn’t wait. I couldn’t press pause. Because if I didn’t continue, there’d never be that “perfect time” to hit play again.

I needed to find a way to squeeze in some kind of workout, however quick, easy, and unglamorous.

Let’s accept that life has no pause button.

The key lesson here is that, like it or not, the game of life keeps going.

There is no timeout.

There’s never going to be a moment when things are magically easier.

You can’t escape work, personal, and family demands. Outside stressors and events you see on the news will always happen. And you cannot escape the need for health and fitness in your life.

Here’s a thought experiment:

What if you tried to hit pause in other areas of your life?

Imagine you’re up for a big promotion at work. For the next two weeks, all you want to do is focus on mastering an upcoming presentation, and winning over your boss.

Trouble is, you’ve got two young children at home who tend to grasp, koala-like, onto your legs and demand your full attention.

Honey, you say to your spouse, I’m just gonna press pause on being a parent for now. I’ll be staying at a hotel. Don’t contact me.

I don’t know about you, but that would NOT go over well in my family.

You can’t really press pause—and you definitely can’t hit reset—on being a parent. (You’ve thought about it, though. I know you have.)

Just like you can’t stop showing up for work and expect not to get fired. Or “take a break” from being married and not wind up divorced.

Generally, when it comes to life, we know we’re not always going to be on our A Game. Sometimes we’re superstars. Most of the time we just do our best.

We muddle through. We keep going.

So why do we expect it to be any different with fitness?

In my case, above, I came up with a simple workout program that met these criteria:

  • No more than 3x a week.

  • No more than 10 minutes per session.

  • Had to be done in the house, before I showered.

  • Required just the minimal equipment we already had.

I did that for a few months. When the stars aligned and I could get to the gym, I did. Otherwise, this was my plan. Was it the Best Workout Ever? No! Did I end up, after a few months, fitter than ever? Heck no!

But was it better than hitting the pause button and doing nothing? You bet!

See, perfectionism is not the point.

“Completing” a program like my coaching or any other, is not the point.

Being the “best” for a tiny window of time is not the point.

The point is to keep going. Sometimes awkwardly, sometimes incompetently, sometimes downright half-assed. But to keep going nonetheless.

As I often teach my new clients:

The “all or nothing” mentality rarely gets us “all”. It usually gets us “nothing”.

That’s when I propose a new mantra:

“Always something”.

Instead of pressing pause, adjust the dial.

Nowadays I like to think of my fitness and nutrition efforts as a dial.

There are times when I want to dial my efforts up, and times when I want to dial them down. But I never want to turn the dial off completely.

Here’s how this plays out in the context of my life.

Sometimes, say when I’m training for a particular goal, my fitness dial might be tuned to a 9 out of 10.

Channel 10 would mean I work out every day. Every meal is planned and carefully considered. I think a lot about fitness. And not much about anything else. Channel 10 just isn’t for me. But 9 is, sometimes.

Work, family, hobbies… they would all in maintenance mode (with the permission of the people this affects, of course).

However, as I write this, my life involves the following:

  • Dealing with a pandemic.

  • 2 young children and no childcare.

  • Running a growing business from my home (did I mention no childcare?).

  • Taking care of a house, bills, cleaning, etc.

So these days, the dial rarely goes past 5 or 6. I work out 6 days a week. And most of my meals are balanced for nourishment, with about 20% room for that dessert or an occasional drink if I’d like one.

(For the record, I’m totally cool with wherever it is. There is no guilt about having my dial set a little lower sometimes. What’s most important is that the dial is still set to “on”.)

The important lesson: There’s a big difference between tuning your dial to 3, 2, or even a 1, and turning the whole thing off.

And when you realize how doable—and effective—channels 3 and 2 and 1 can be, you see that there’s never a good reason to hit “pause”.

I get it. It’s easy to discount the lower channels. Especially when you’ve done more in the past. But remember your new mantra…

“Always something.”

One of my clients, Sarah, was dealing with a family crisis during our coaching time: Her mom became ill and eventually passed away.

Sarah could have given up when her mom was sick. Asked for a pause. And no one would have blamed her.

Instead, she challenged herself to embrace imperfection and do something every day:

Each day, I asked myself: If I can’t do what was asked of me, what CAN I do? What can I manage (physically, emotionally, mentally) now?

Then I went and did it.

Meanwhile, I also tried to add spontaneous activity into my days. I paced the hospital halls, parked at a distance and walked to the hospital door. I went for evening walks.

Anything to stay active.

Sarah’s takeaway:

Perfection never happens in real life.

We’re always going to be doing the best we can with what we have.

And that’s okay.

We can still make progress toward our goals and still improve our health and our fitness—whatever’s going on in our lives.

That progress doesn’t happen if you “press pause” and wait for a better time.

It doesn’t happen if you say “I’ll squat again once the Mom situation resolves itself”. Or if you ask for a re-do next week, next month, next year.

“Fitness in the context of your actual life”.

That’s one of my mottos here at Tara Allen Health.

It’s what I think I’m really good at doing: helping clients be healthy and fit in the context of their real lives.

Not while pretending to be someone they’re not. Not by signing up for a 12-week boot camp with daily workouts and restrictive diets.

But by living their own lives and practicing “always something”.

In my opinion, pressing pause is buying into an imaginary ideal: a “perfect” time when everything will fall into place; a beautiful, linear trajectory from total suckiness to an apex of awesomeness.

Asking for a restart because you don’t want to mess that line up is deluding yourself that somehow, next time will be easier. Next time will be perfect. No interruptions, no distractions… no… life.

Unfortunately, there is no perfect time.

We may have magical moments, of course. Short periods of time when things seem to “click” and come together. That can be called, ‘the flow state.’

But then the dog poops on the rug. Or the kid throws up on the couch. Or both… and then one or the other tracks it all through the house.

You keep pressing pause, and what do you think your progress would look like?

Or, worse yet, you end up flatlining, stuck on a never-ending (maybe eternal) pause.

What to do next.

Fitness in the context of real human life is just like the rest of life.

We’re all just doing the best we can in challenging, complicated circumstances. We are all living messy, imperfect lives. We are all human.

If we can just keep moving forward, no matter what happens, no pause buttons, no do-overs, we win the game.

Here are a few strategies for getting out of the pause-button mentality and into a more realistic, effective, sustainable way of thinking.

1. Try the dial method.

Think of your fitness like a dial that goes from 1 – 10.

If you were to dial it up to “10”…

  • What would your workouts look like?

  • What would your nutrition look like?

  • What other actions/habits would you practice in that scenario?

If you were to dial it down to “1”…

  • What would your workouts look like?

  • What would your nutrition look like?

  • What other actions/habits would you practice in that scenario?

Giving thought to your life right now, where is your dial set?

Would you like to make any adjustments?

Could you move the dial up a channel, or even half a channel?

If so, what would that look like?

On the other hand…

Should you move the dial down a channel so you can stick with health and fitness even during a difficult time?

2. Aim for a little bit better.

An all-or-nothing approach usually doesn’t get us “all”. It usually gets us “nothing”.

You know what actually works?

Small improvements done consistently over time work— I have seen this time and time again with my clients.

You might be trying to make a meal out of hospital cafeteria, gas station, or airport food. You might be spending hours awake with a newborn in the middle of the night, or stuck in yet another full-day meeting.

These aren’t ideal scenarios, but they’re not necessarily hopeless either.

Look around. Get creative. See if you can find some small—maybe minuscule—improvements.

3. Anticipate, strategize and plan.

Since we already know that stuff is going to go wrong, the best thing we can do is anticipate and make plans for how to deal when they do.

A simple way to do this is by answering two questions:

  1. What’s likely to get in the way of what I hope to accomplish?

  2. What is something I can do today to help me keep going when I face those obstacles?

For some people, that might be a Sunday routine where they prep food for the week so they won’t be scrambling for healthy meals on busy weeknights. For others, it might mean having a healthy meal-delivery service on speed dial.

Don’t be surprised and dismayed when things go haywire. They will at some point. Just arm yourself with the best tools and strategies so you can stay in the game when you’re thrown a curveball.

Of course if I can be of any help in any way, let me know! Your goals, your (unpaused) self and I would make a great team!

Lots of love,


"Can you help me lose 100+ lbs?"

"Tara, can you help me lose 100+ pounds with your coaching program?"

I have a new client who recently asked this question. She loved the sound of my program and my coaching style, but was concerned that because she has a longer journey ahead of her than most (not really - it's a lifelong process for all of us, but it feels longer to her), that maybe my approach / lifestyle change just won't do the trick.

There's ONLY ONE way to lose weight / body fat. That's it. We name it different things, but it's actually incredibly simple (not easy). Let me explain in this video.

Whether you or I ever work together or not, if weight / fat loss is a goal of yours, please make sure you keep in mind that it always boils down to the same science. And that science can only be adhered to when all of the obstacles to change are removed and our brains are rewired to be on our team this time around. This is why my coaching is SO much more than the customized nutrition portions and customized fitness routine that I give each client. That's the simple stuff. But we dive deep into the rest.

If you know anyone looking to lose some body fat as a part of their plan to uplevel their health and lives, please share this with them. We can all overcome obstacles with the right tools and the right attitude. It's 2021 ... time we step up and take back the control to better our lives in whatever ways we'd like.

And if YOU are interested in securing a spot in my 1-on-1 coaching program, hit 'reply' to this email and I'll discuss next steps with you. Spots are always limited, as I'm very hands-on with my clients and would never overbook myself and interfere with that type of service. However, I have clients graduating often, so maybe you'll be next!?!

Health + peace,

2021, here we are!

Happy New Year!

2021 is here. Finally, right? But of course we won't get anything different by having the same habits.

If you're a list person like I am, you might already have a list of goals written down. Or maybe it's simply a word of the year. Maybe it's a certain feeling you're after ... gratitude / contentment. Regardless, if we take these intentions one step further we can set ourselves up for much better odds at accomplishing what we've set out to accomplish!

WATCH THIS 49-second video for more. :-)

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy new year!


P.S. If you need help with your health / nutrition / fitness / healthy lifestyle goals, I'm here. It's exactly what I do and if you're willing to trust the process, I'm excited to help you finally get those lasting results you've been seeking for what seems like forever. No quick fixes. No 'diets'. No ridiculous restrictions, detox teas, or meal plans you must follow. Just a ridiculous amount of support, guidance, accountability... and a customized nutrition + fitness plan just for you.

Sound good? Are you willing and able to invest time and money into your health optimization? I can't imagine investing into anything better!! Our health, energy, moods, and productivity gained will help us achieve and enjoy every other aspect of life. But without health, it's tricky to find a work-around. Let's start where it matters MOST.

Here's some information about my 1-on-1, virtual coaching program (including before and afters and pricing).

IF you've read that and it all looks good, schedule your free call right here so we can chat and make sure it's the right fit.

2021 is the year you gain control back and feel vibrant and sexy! I mean, why not?!

Can you build breasts or a butt from exercise?

"Tara, can I build breasts and / or a butt from exercising?"

As soon as I received this question last week, I knew I needed to address it in a video as it's a big topic.

What's in our power? And what, exactly, can we do?

What's not in our power? And how do we make peace with that?



P.S. I can't believe it's December 22nd already! If you haven't grabbed my copy of Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts e-cookbook and would like to do some gluten-free, dairy-free baking and dessert-making between now and the New Year, GRAB IT NOW. It's only available for just over a week longer! Makes for a great last-minute gift idea, too. ;-)

December 2020 = LESS temptation

The year with less temptation.

Ahhhh..... the holiday season is in full effect. Remember when you thought you put on 10 pounds every holiday season because of all the parties and travel? Remember when you said your blood sugar and blood pressure fell victim to the hustle + bustle and lack of time at home?

Well this is likely the year with the LEAST amount of temptations. Less holiday parties. Less travel. More time at home. Less meals out. Less hosting.

So, what gives?

LET'S TALK ABOUT IT. The cool thing about us is that the more we learn and uncover about ourselves, the more power we have to make a change (if we want to).

Enjoy your Monday,