
Why you can't stick to a plan

You *know* what to eat and how to move to make progress, right?

Some people need help with the information, of course, but most people know enough to get them to their goals. So how come the plan you create in the morning falls by the wayside at 8 PM when you're overwhelmed and need a break? How come you can't seem to stick to an exercise routine for more than a week at a time?

It's your VCR.

Let me explain. You have been trying to take valuable information and plans (nutrition, fitness) that are on a DVD ... and play them inside your VCR. (For you young folks, VCRs are the machines that played videotapes and became extinct around the time the dinosaurs say goodbye). 

You have an old operating system and simply need an upgrade. It's a brain thing and it's been going on for years, if not decades! Once you make that upgrade to a DVD player, whichever DVD you choose to run will work.

(Yes, I totally get the fact that DVDs are a bit outdated as well, but I think it's an analogy that you guys will get.)

IN MY LATEST VIDEO, I got into the old operating system you have, the new one you need, and how to make the upgrade. 

If your transformation starts with nutrition or fitness or both without addressing old patterns, habits, thoughts, connections... it won't stick. Band-aids only help when there's healing going on underneath.

Hit 'reply' to this email and let me know if you'd like to learn more about how to upgrade your operating system so you'll be able to stick to the changes you make going forward. :-)

Stay well,

Stubborn Weight Loss?

There's weight loss....and there's STUBBORN weight loss.

You know the kind, right? It's often the last 5 pounds as opposed to the first 5 pounds. It's when you feel like you've tried everything, but nothing works or lasts (even though it seems to work for everyone else!).

Bad news, good news. Bad news first? Ok.... there isn't anything different about the way your body works.

Ready for the good news? There isn't anything different about the way your body works. ;-) We all have very different energy needs, for sure. This depends on how much and how hard you exercise, how much you move between workouts, your age, your body size and composition, your dieting history, thyroid function, etc. BUT, there is one common set of rules for EVERYONE: If you take in less energy (calories) than your body requires for fuel, you will lose body fat. If you are not losing body fat, you are not in an energy deficit for YOUR body. That may mean you're not losing weight on 1500 calories a day, but your friend is losing on 2000 calories a day. Super frustrating, right? But the same principles apply. Their body simply requires more calories to function on a day-to-day basis than yours does. (If we knew for sure that the calorie tracking was accurate - which it's nearly always not. But that's a different story).

What about the people that tell you you're gaining weight because you're UNDEReating? Not true. It's nice to think about, but it's simply not true.

Now, can you get yourself up to the point where your body does burn more calories everyday so you can maintain or lose more body fat while eating more calories? YES! That's a process called reverse dieting and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about that.

But let's stick to the science here, ok? Losing body fat requires an energy deficit so that your body is required to make up the additional calories it needs by taking it off of your stored body fat. Your stored body fat contains calories / energy... just like your food! If you want to decrease body fat, you need to use it up. That's how it 'goes away'.

I got into this even more in last week's live video. Check it out here.

Here is some more information about my online coaching program - including cost and before / after pictures.

And if you'd like to chat to see if we're the right fit to work together, schedule a call here! Looking forward to hearing about your goals so we can devise a plan for how you can CRUSH THEM. ;-)

Hope your week is off to a great start.


You cannot control the scale. Here's the work-around. ;-)

You have no control over the number on the scale.

Let's just get that disappointing fact out of the way. You can do everything according to plan and wake up to a higher number. You can go off the rails and wake up to a lower number. There will always be fluctuations that are very much out of our control - water retention, sodium levels, hormones, bathroom habits... there are many outside factors!

So, when we focus on something that is not exactly in our control, we get frustrated. We try to control it more only to realize that no matter what, weight loss goals OR weight gain goals will never be a linear process. The frustration and feeling of being out of control messes with our head and ultimately leads to us throwing in the towel. Why strive for something we're not able to control anyway, right? Ugh! 

But there is a better way. ;-)

We DO have control over our consistency. We should be tracking our consistency with precision and laser-focus. Here's how it works: you have ONE nutrition and fitness goal for each day. They need to be things you can easily say you either did or did not do at the end of the day. Then, you track whether or not you did those things each day.

That's it! Not bad, right? Grab a journal, notebook, wall calendar, or use your phone. Simply circle the days you hit both goals and mark an 'x' for the ones you. missed one or both of the goals. Looking back, you should have at least 80% consistency. If you are at least 80% consistent and patient (you wait at least 4-6 weeks), you will absolutely notice results if your plan is a good one.

Rinse and repeat. Tweak as necessary. Enjoy your newfound freedom and confidence from finally reaching those health + body goals. ;-)

Enjoy your week!

P.S. Do you need help with a customized plan so you know exactly what to be working on? Might you benefit from having accountability from a coach to help you stay on track and be consistent? That's what I do! I help clients (virtually) with health, nutrition, and fitness. It's an all-in-one program and is completely customized to your needs and your goals. I've had many new clients start with me since quarantine started because they tell me they are more conscious of their health and have no more excuses since they can workout at home and don't have the usual temptation of driving by the fast food places anymore. If you are ready to start feeling confident, fit, strong, and vibrant by summer, I'm ready to help! I've shifted things a bit and am opening up a handful of new 1-on-1 coaching opportunities for this month.

Learn more about the program here.

Then, schedule your (free) 15-minute consultation here.

Can't wait to speak with you and help you achieve those goals that you've had for so long!


My Immunity Plan during COVID-19 and Beyond...

My Immunity Plan - Pandemic 2020 and beyond...

A few of you asked me over on social media what I'm doing to keep myself as healthy as possible during this time.

It's a fair question, even though what I'm doing might not necessarily be exactly what you need to be doing. And, even though there's not nearly enough research out yet about this virus to let us in on specificities. 

But ya know what the best news is? It's never a bad idea to optimize your health, body, and immunity. So while I'm not obsessing over doing these things to prevent getting sick, I am focusing on making my health a priority now and moving forward.

Check out the video right here.

I'd love to hear from you. How's it going in your quarantine neck of the woods?


What's been happening on social?

Box O' Blocks Workout

Health-promoting responsibility to others?

Beginner vs. advanced resistance band workout
Home HIIT workout

Little Yellow Chair Workout

Kettlebell workout

Chocolate Protein Mug Cake Recipe
Shoulder workout

Stoics and a quarantine epiphany

Metabolic Flexibility in the time of Covid-19 and beyond...

Metabolic flexibility in the time of Covid-19 and beyond...

While there is so much still to learn about this particular coronavirus, we do seem to understand that individuals with underlying lifestyle health conditions are doing more poorly when infected.

And here's what I know for sure... it's never a bad time to start working on optimizing our health. As someone who used to have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and prediabetes, I fell into the bucket of having 'metabolic disorder' - a bucket that also houses those with high cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin resistance, excess belly fat, and blood glucose regulation issues.

The good news is that there are lifestyle choices we get to make to improve our condition at any time. Check out my latest live video in which I dive into this a bit more and share 3 things I've done to stay metabolically flexible.

If there's anything I can do to help you, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what's on your mind.


What's happening on social?

Just one thought...

Chair workout

If it weren't for this quarantine...

Dumbbell workout

Salsa dancing - step 3

Scooter workout

Metabolic Flexibility

Legs / glutes workout

Abs at home workout

Beginner Arm Chair Workout

Turmeric Hummus Recipe + Immunity

Fat Loss During Quarantine?

Fat Loss During a Quarantine?

Ok, so we're stuck at home for some time...and some time seems to be expanding. Some of us will cave to our fears and frustrations, others of us will feel them anyway (because we're human), but will start to look at how we can make the best of what we have. Build resilience. Get stronger in body + mind....

...and use it as an opportunity to lose some body fat?!

Wait. Stop please. I'd love to share with you my opinion about fat loss during this time. There are a few extra things to consider when talking about fat loss during an extra stressful time. Check out this video I did last week all about it.

Oh, and I created a (free) recipe book: 20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes for you guys. It's full of meals + snacks that require mostly non-perishable ingredients. Grab your copy (instant download) now!


Phew....It was a busy week on social media! (instagram):

Resistance Band Workout

Sock Workout

Blueberry Chia Jam Recipe

Banded Glute Workout

I don't like feeling helpless

Amazon Box Workout

Laundry Detergent Workout

A Poem from My Kids' Eyes

Couch Cushion Workout

Quarantine Nutrition 

Body Weight Workout

Newsday: How we are making the best of our quarantine

Unprecedented Times...

We are all going through an interesting time right now.

We have watched the world change - practically overnight.  

At this point, you’ve likely received an email from every email list you are on about how said company is responding to the coronavirus pandemic. You’ve likely already heard more about social distancing, hand washing, quarantine, and stocking your house than you care to think about.  

I am not here for that right now. I am here to say that my goal is to build healthy communities and help those all around me.  That is the goal of my health / nutrition / fitness coaching practice, that is the goal of this newsletter, and that is the goal of my social media accounts. 

We are all going through the journey together - even if each of our situations are different - and we need to be able to rely on one another to be there in good and in tough times.  And from the look of it, we may be in for some tricky times ahead. Schools are closing, events are getting cancelled, businesses are reducing hours, and people are being encouraged to stay and work from home as much as possible.  

I believe that these measures are the best possible way to protect our communities in these times, and I also believe that these actions may very well take a toll on us… and that can come in the form of stress. Stress about not being able to find toilet paper, stress about money, stress about how to entertain & educate kids who are temporarily out of school, stress about how to get work done from home, stress about getting ill, etc.

I am not a doctor, so I would not dare give you medical advice. However, it is a no secret that a healthy immune system, robust stress coping skills, and intentional recovery are critical factors in maintaining wellness.

It is as important as ever to keep our immune systems strong and I believe that this starts with nourishing and moving our bodies regularly.  To support you in this goal, I’m going to be sharing a lot on social media about how to make the most out of what’s in the fridge to cook healthy, well-rounded, and easy meals. I will also be sharing plenty of home workout ideas that can be done with minimal equipment so that you can stay active on a consistent basis. I often do bonus Q&As and post lots more in my stories, so be sure to hang out with me there too - not just on 'my feed'. If this sounds like something you'd like to check out, make sure you give the accounts at the bottom of this email a look.    

I am here for you! If you need help, advice, or just to chat… you can leave a comment below or email me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Stay well!


What happened on social media:

Workshop Wednesday video - maintaining a calorie deficit for fat loss WITHOUT actually counting calories.

My PCOS story

A cool way to get kids to eat their veggies

Working out with toys (again)

Fresh Air and Sunshine more important than ever

Home Glute Workout

P.S. One of the most important things for us to do right now is to understand that social distancing doesn't have to mean social isolation. We are social creatures! And thankfully, we have the use of technology to help bring us together in a safe way during the next few weeks or months. Come join my Facebook community of over 800 awesome people from around the country (and world!) as we continue to share healthy recipes, weekly challenges, workouts, tips....and as we introduce discussions on relevant topics such how to stock up our pantry and fridge during these times, and easy, cheap, and healthy meals to feed the family.

Healthy, Fit, & Strong with Tara Allen Health

Starvation Mode and Fat Loss ... what's the connection (if any?)

Starvation Mode and Fat Loss...

Have you heard of this? Maybe your friend or your sister told you, with good intention, that if you're not reaching your fat loss goals, you should probably be eating more.

The logic goes that if we don't eat enough, our body will hold onto what we already have for dear life. Is this what really happens?

Check out this video where I dive into this more and give you some answers.


P.S. Didn't answer your question? Feel free to leave a comment below and ask away.

My PCOS backstory...and how I healed myself naturally

I was once diagnosed with PCOS and prediabetes...

....I can no longer be diagnosed with either. How in the world?!?

In this video, I'm sharing a little of my backstory and the big ticket items that has allowed me to heal my body naturally - without medications or targeted supplements.

If you know anyone with PCOS, please forward this email to them. I would love to spread the word that there is a lot more in our power than the conventional medicine would have us believe.

And if you don't have PCOS? Please take this as the sign you need that what you do or don't do on a daily basis has a lot more influence over your health and body than you might have been lead to believe.

Questions? Going through infertility and wanna chat? I'm here! Just leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you!


P.S. New private + virtual client availability is coming soon - health, nutrition, and fitness coaching! Let me know if you'd like to chat about getting your name on one of the upcoming spots.

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

You know that already, right?

In fact, there is probably a lot that you already know you could be doing to move closer to your goals. 

And you might even be frustrated by the very fact that you know things and still seem to have trouble implementing them on a consistent basis.

First of all, I want to let you know this is VERY common. Just knowing things does not build up the skills required to carry out these interventions. In fact, it's an entirely different part of the brain used for learning vs. implementing and staying consistent.

And here's the cycle I see repeat over and over with many people: Big goal, big motivation (at first), trying to change too many things at once with no reasonable long-term plan, sees no results or has too much difficulty staying consistent, gives up and feels down. Rinse and repeat - every Monday, every new season, every New Year...?

Does this resonate with you? It will for many people!

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video in which I discuss how the mismatch between your goals and your actions are blocking you from your results. The more you understand about the behind-the-scenes stuff happening in our brain and with our mindset, the more you will be able to take the wheel and make the lifestyle upgrades you have been trying to make.


P.S. January 1-on-1 coaching spots are filled, but I will have a few spots opening in February. If you are interested and ready to commit to a complete health, nutrition, and fitness transformation, leave a comment or email me: Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com and I will send you my calendar so you can schedule yourself for a free call to chat. Never any sales pressure (I don't play like that), but we need to both be sure that it's the right fit before moving forward. ;-)

P.P.S. We all have goals! I've been working on tilted inversions, wrist mobility, handstands, etc. And guess what? I kinda suck! Sucking at something is awesome....so much room to improve. I'd love to hear what you suck at and see if it's something I can help with. 


When you screw up on your resolutions (and why it's not exactly when you think)

Hey guys,

The first week of 2020 is coming to a close already!

And for some of you, you've already given up on some of those life-changing resolutions you were so romantic about last week, am I right? Usually that happens when we've set too many goals at the same time or set one goal that was just a bit too unrealistic. 

But maybe you're not a resolution setter. Maybe you're like me - trying to use everyday to progress and challenge yourself to get better. Or maybe you are still going really strong on those goals!

Either way, you will find yourself saying at some point, "I screwed up." And here's what's important to know: You did NOT screw up at that point. But you're about to. Let me explain...

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I share why you did not screw up when you think...and how it's actually foreshadowing that you're likely on the path to actually screwing up. Of course I'm going to tell you how to turn around and NOT screw up, after all. 

I explain a bit about some of the content you can expect more of from me in 2020 in the beginning of the video. Make sure you're following me over on Facebook and Instagram to get all content. I post a lot inside my stories as well, so check those out if you need more healthy information + inspiration (with an occasional dose of cute kiddos). ;-)

I'm always happy to hear from YOU as well... anything in particular that you'd like me to cover this year? Hit 'reply' to this email and let me know. I've got a running list and plan to hit it all, if possible!

Happy New Year!!


Why the scale won't budge: weight plateaus and fluctuations explained

Weight fluctuations and plateaus explained...

I'm writing this blog with a child home (unexpectedly) from school and a full plate of work and other mom / house stuff going on. Besides client work, admin. tasks, and content (like this!) to create and schedule, I will be interviewed for an article in a certain newspaper today and am being asked if a photographer can come over today for a quick photoshoot. Um....if you don't mind a sick kid in my arms?!? Not the look you're going for?

Kidding....we're trying to reschedule. However, I'm telling YOU this because I speak a lot about less-than-ideal conditions and how the show must go on. Whether it's running a business or maintaining the level of fitness, nutrition, sleep, and self care that you aspire to, things will always pop up that can compromise your plans. How can you work with what you've got? How can you do at least a portion of what it is you committed to? Maybe you move your body for 5 minutes instead of the 45 you planned on today.

In my case, I look through my task list and start moving non-essential things to other times whenever possible. I will do what's necessary and appreciate the fact that I can tend to my daughter that's feeling a bit under the weather today. (We're actually snuggling on the couch as I type this. Thank goodness for light + mobile laptops!).

Anywayyyyy..... weight fluctuations! They happen to us all - even if you do not weigh yourself and you're unaware. Our weight is never stagnant. Any weight or fat loss journey is never linear. There are plateaus, spikes up, drops, etc. The most important thing to look at is the trend over time.

Important to note: I'm not a fan of anyone weighing themselves if it will at all impact your emotions. In other words, if weighing yourself will be anything more than simply data, I don't believe the scale is the best tool for you to track your progress. 

However, if you have ever noticed plateaus and or increases in your scale weight while you believed you were 'doing everything right', then you must watch my latest Workshop Wednesday video! I get into the 8 most common reasons this occurs. This will allow you to figure out what's going on the next time you notice a plateau or spike. Not only that, but it will (hopefully) prevent you from throwing in the towel in frustration next time around.

If you are on a fat loss journey and have 15 minutes to watch - or even just listen - to this video, it will be worth your while.

As always, I'm open to topic ideas to address in future videos, blogs, social media posts, and newsletters. Just leave me a comment below if there's something in particular you want to see me cover.


P.S. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! As a reminder, my healthified holiday desserts e-cookbook, Smart Cookie, is still available for purchase for ONE MORE WEEK before it gets pulled until next year. If you have any parties to host or head to in the next week and would like to make a quality, real-food version of a holiday treat, this recipe book would be perfect for you! It contains 42 gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free...and DELICIOUS...dessert recipes. Many are baked goods, but there are also stovetop, slow cooker, and NO BAKE options in case you want easy peasy.

Are you lying to yourself? (Self-integrity for the win)

The opposite of lying to yourself is self-integrity...

And I want to convince you today that that's exactly what you need more of in your life in order to accomplish your health and body goals. Cool?

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I'm discussing smoking, addictions, food, fitness, self-integrity, and how you can make a simple (but not necessarily easy) change RIGHT NOW that will put you right back on the path towards your goals.

Does that sound like it's worth the 10-minute video? ;-) 

Enjoy your day,


P.S. Only 2-ish more weeks left to purchase my healthy holiday desserts e-cookbook before it goes into the vault until next year. It contains 42 delicious, gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free recipes that will become staples in your house for years to come! Yes, I'm that confident about these. ;-) There's something for everyone with a variety of flavors and types. Plenty of baked goods like cookies and brownies, but also stovetop, slow cooker, and NO bake options for when you're in a rush to get 'er done.

Grab your copy right here.

Meal timing / spacing for fat loss

Meal timing + spacing for fat loss...

With all the talk about intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding (did you catch last week's email?), what about the timing between meals? Is that important for fat loss?

Turns out, it is. When we eat, we spike our insulin levels. Insulin is a fat-storage hormone. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it certainly can become a problem if your insulin is spiked to high or for too long if fat loss is a goal.

Think about exercise. Most of us know that exercise is beneficial for us, but we couldn't workout 24 hours a day without expecting lots of problems. Eating is a similar idea. It's absolutely necessary to eat and nourish our bodies, but we also benefit from giving ourselves some space between meals to allow that rest and return to baseline that's so important.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video for more about meal spacing.

Do you already pay attention to the spacing between your meals or is this new to you? Hit "reply" to this email and let me know!


P.S. Have you gotten your copy of Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts e-cookbook yet? Some of you have been messaging me and tagging me in your pictures and it's making me drool! :-) The ebook contains 42 gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free treats that are upgraded versions of our favorites this time of year. You can grab a copy right here!


Avoiding unwanted holiday weight gain...

Avoiding (unwanted) holiday weight gain...

While the same principles apply to gaining excess weight and / or body fat any time of year, the holidays do bring a unique set of circumstance for many of us.

OVEREATING. This is simply eating more than your body requires for fuel and is the case if you are at a weight or body fat percentage that YOU believe to be greater than you'd like it to be for optimal health and mobility. Emphasis on YOU here because I strongly believe YOU are the only one that gets to decide this.

Here are a few of the reasons weight gan can be accelerated this time of year:

  • Baggy clothes help us 'forget' about our body and hide.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder and / or lower Vitamin D levels wreak havoc on our emotions and ability to choose our long-term goals over short-term satisfaction.

  • Heightened emotional states - both positive and negative - usually exist this time of year. Where you have big emotions, you will often find overeating.

  • A false promise of a clean slate coming on January 1st tends to 'allow' us to throw caution to the wind between now and then.

  • Greater access to comfort foods, social events, alcohol, etc.

Here are 4 tips you can start to implement to help right away...

1) Stop over-restricting. When you focus so hard on avoiding certain foods, and then have more access to them (such as this time of year), it often has an 'opening of the floodgates' sort of result. Allow the 'fun' foods to exist in your life at a frequency that you look forward to, but also that allows you to move closer to your goals.

2) Trigger Foods. Remove any food from your house that you just cannot control yourself around. Maybe it's peanut butter? Maybe it's ice cream. If you love ice cream but can't control yourself around it, remove it from the house and just go out to get a cone - or single serving - when you want it.

3) When you find yourself reaching for the food that you don't want or need, ask yourself this series of questions:

  • What's going on with me right now?

  • Will food help? (If the problem is not hunger, then food is not the solution)

  • If not food, then what WILL help right now? (Maybe you just need a break)

4) Delayed gratification. Allow yourself to have whatever it is you're craving....but only after 5, 10, or 20 minutes. Even if you end up eating THE SAME amount of food after that time, it's still a huge win because you are teaching your toddler brain that it won't always get what it wants, when it wants it. In turn, the intense cravings (tantrum) will slowly dissipate, reduce in duration, frequency, and intensity. Win!

I'd love to hear from you now...do you struggle with overeating? I don't know anyone who doesn't at least sometimes! I'd love to help. :-)


Does your timeline need to go?

Does your timeline need to go??

The holidays are upon us and everyone and their mothers are talking about having a snack before you leave the house so you won't overindulge at the holiday party.

It's not that that advice is bad, but just that its probably something you hear a million times - especially this time of year, am I right?!?

I want to share a less popular opinion about how you can stick to your goals during the busy holiday season. And it has nothing to do with snacks...and everything to do with your unrealistic timeline.

By the way, did you know that the version of you that you can SEE and FEEL today is the result of the habits you had 2, 3, 6, 9 months ago?! It's true. There is a huge lag time in your habits and the outcomes showing up.

I'm talking about both of these topics and how they are related in my latest Workshop Wednesday video (below).

For those of you here in the United States (where I live), Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy it. No guilt about food. No playing small or letting others make you feel crappy at the dinner table. You do you. Are you a kind person? Awesome. Beyond that, your life and decisions are none of their business. ;-) (Just a reminder for those that have trouble on this holiday. It's pretty common).


P.S. Are you in need of a last-minute / healthified / gluten-free / dairy-free / DELICIOUS dessert to make for the holiday? I've gotcha covered! My new cookbook, Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts, is available and full of all kinds of recipes (42 of them!). There are lots of baked goods, but also plenty that involve the slow cooker, stovetop, or are NO BAKE. It's instantly downloadable and printable, so no waiting for the Amazon delivery person. ;-) GRAB YOUR COPY HERE.

Breathing technique for fat loss

One simple, free tool to help with stubborn fat loss...

But it's never THAT easy, right?

Here's the short and sweet description: When you are anxious or rushing or stressed, your brain feels uncomfortable. And when it feels uncomfortable, it will seek out pleasure in other ways (food, alcohol, etc.).

You may have noticed this if you've ever tried to go on a "diet" only to find no matter how simple the rules were, you couldn't stick it out as long as you had planned. Sound familiar? You haven't actually changed anything about your physiology! You simply tried to conform to a certain set of rules until it became unbearable. And if I know you like I think I do, you ended up in a binge / overindulgence cycle right afterwards. (How'd I do with that?)

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video in which I share a little of the why behind this phenomenon...and end by demonstrating a VERY powerful breathing technique that you can use at anytime to relieve stress and decrease your brain's desire to overcompensate with overeating or overdrinking.

How does that sound?

Tell me, do you struggle with this stress - overeating - fed up - restriction / dieting - give up and binge cycle?? It's soooooo common and happens to be something I specialize in. ;-) Let me know how I can help.


P.S. The holidays are coming!! Here in my neck of the woods (Long Island, NY), we've had a few 20-something degree days already! See the red nose above? Haha! The cold weather always brings out the inner baker in me. You too?

If you haven't grabbed my cookbook yet, what are you waiting for? It will be on sale through the holidays, but it will no longer be available in the new year. It's called Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts and it contains FORTY-TWO delicious, wholesome, healthy, gluten-free, dairy-free, no refined sugar recipes. But MOST importantly, these desserts taste amazing and have been surprising healthy eating skeptics already these past couple of weeks!

...and be sure to make the chocolate hazelnut spread pictured below. Only 4 ingredients! Take that, Nutella. ;-)

Pain + Pleasure: The secret ingredient to your health / body goals

What do PAIN + PLEASURE have to do with your health / body goals?

Lots! Everything, you might say.

Have you ever noticed how there are certain things that just don't ever end up on your to do list, but happen often anyway? Things like eating food, sex, and sleep. Why are these some of the exceptions? It all comes down to pain vs. pleasure when talking about curating the lifestyle you want for yourself.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I break it down and give you a few specific examples of how to apply this concept to your goals.

Oh, and welcome to November! It's the start of my favorite 'recipe season'. ;-)


Can I help you create an exercise HABIT?!

Remember when you said you'd workout more often?

Maybe it was December 31, 2018 when you made that proclamation. Maybe it's been on your to do list for a decade? Or maybe, maybe you've recently decided that exercise (or ANYthing else) needs to be a part of your life in a more meaningful way.

We talk a lot about habits here at Tara Allen Health. My clients know alllll about habits as we work on breaking up with old ones and implementing new ones to create the health, body and lifestyle that aligns with their dreams.

Where are my DIYers out there? Today I want to get really tactical with you on how to start this process for yourself. There are 4 parts of a habit, and therefore, 4 steps to creating a new habit that will actually (seriously) stick.

And THAT, you guys, gets me very excited.

First, check out this video from last week all about the 4-step process. It has all the tangible advice you need to know to get started on creating whatever new habit you'd like in your life.

Then - for extra credit ;-) - check out THIS video that I posted inside my private facebook group as a follow-up. It will teach you why you can't seem to stick to a "diet" or plan even when you *know* what you should be doing. Better yet, it teaches you exactly how to work WITH the way your brain is wired so you can make progress and reach your goals. YES, YOU! It's about freakin' time, isn't it?

Side note: I mention my upcoming healthified holiday dessert cookbook coming in early November (so soon!) in the beginning of that video. I am SOOOOO excited to put this thing out in the world after dreaming about it for YEARS and working on it for just as long. Hard work usually happens when no one's looking. It happens when no one's there to give you credit. The results of your hard work usually come along much further down the road. Does this sound at all like what we talk about with our health + body transformation goals?! ;-)

I will keep you posted very soon!


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Break up with nighttime overeating: Steps 1 & 2

Do you end up eating more - or differently - than you wanted to after the sun goes down?

This is verrrrry common for a number of reasons. Today, I want to focus on the biggest reason: willpower.

You may have heard me talk about this before. In fact, you may notice that I talk about many of the same concepts often if you've been hanging out with me for a while. The truth is, these things aren't always the sexiest and don't always work as clickbait, but they are real, important, and necessary to address for any and all health transformations to occur.

YOU ARE NOT LACKING WILLPOWER! Seriously, you're not. For argument's sake, let's say we all each start the day with the same 20 willpower 'points'. Every decision you make uses up a point. Skipping the doughnut in the break room, biting your tongue when your boss pissed you off, deciding whether or not to honk the horn when the jerk cut you off on your drive home...point, point, point. We make so many decisions throughout the day (more than we even consciously register), that by the end of a long day, we're all depleted of willpower!

Have you ever noticed that it becomes harder throughout the day to say no to your favorite sweet treat? Have you had those days where you put off your workout 'til nighttime only to skip it in the end and tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow instead? Willpower depleted!

So when it comes to planning for your success, part of your plan needs to include what to do when you're not actually able to stick to your original commitment to yourself. Rather than hope it'll be different tomorrow, "trying" again, or resisting this fact, let's learn how to work WITH the way our brain works.

I want to share 2 important steps in doing just that with you today. There is no video attached in today’s blog because I made a mistake and didn't end up saving my latest video workshop. Oops. But that's ok! I'm still going to give you all of the information today. ;-) If you do prefer to watch or listen instead of reading this, head over to my facebook page and look for last Wednesday's live video recording.


Think ahead to the time when you normally start feeling out of control with your food choices. This is around 8 or 9 PM for most people, but can occur at other times as well. What are you usually feeling at that time?

  • Tired?

  • Stressed?

  • Overwhelmed?

  • Anxious?

  • Needing a break?

  • Wanting to 'unwind?

Next, ask yourself how you're hoping the food will make you feel in that moment. Are you hoping it will give you a needed break? Help you relax? Numb a certain emotion?

***Important to remember: The only thing food can actually solve for you is physical hunger. Any other feeling or emotion can only be temporarily distracted by food - not solved!

Lastly, ask yourself what you can plan ahead of time to do instead of reaching for the food that will help you feel the way you're looking to feel.
It's important that you plan for this ahead of time, because in the moment, you won't want to have any obstacles in the way. They will only act as a deterrent.

Examples: Call a friend (put it on your calendar), read a book (have it out on the nightstand), watch a show on the DVR without a snack or with a healthy option you choose in advance, go for a walk, listen to a podcast, journal, meditate, have relations with your partner.... ;-) Anything (other than overeating) that will help you get to that end goal of relaxation, unwinding, calming down, or getting the break you deserve.


Delayed gratification. We all have a toddler brain and an adult brain. (These are actual parts of our brains, but obviously not the technical terms.) Our toddler brain wants what it wants, when it wants....just like a real toddler! But our adult brain actually has reasoning capability. Our adult brain can make plans and decisions that serve our greatest good, not just what feels best right now.

When we have the urge to overeat / stress eat / binge eat, it's our toddler brain requesting it. And guess what? It's probably pretty used to getting what it wants by now, right?

No worries! Here's how we start to discipline our toddler brain: we delay our gratification. Next time your brain asks you for a gallon of ice cream at 8:00, give it ice cream at 8:05 or 8:10 instead. You will likely still eat the same thing. You'll likely still overeat. AND THAT'S OK because you've starting doing really important work in rewiring your brain!

That toddler brain will stop thinking it's always going to get what it wants, when it wants it. Eventually it will stop being so bratty. And at some point, you'll be able to delay gratification for long enough that you may end up choosing NOT to eat the ice cream at all. BIG WIN!

These 2 tools are considered steps 1 & 2 in breaking up with nighttime overeating because they are so effective and foundational! Try these tonight - or whenever your toddler brain throws its next tantrum.

Talk soon,

P.S. Every week I share more content than I could possibly put into a blog on social media. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and / or Instagram for more tips and free resources.

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